Tuesday, November 15, 2011

nearly there

4 assessments left!

today i had physics and design tech exam
tbh i didn't study properly last night and procrastinated 
so i was all emotionally repaired to get mindfxcked in my exams
but physics didn't turn out too bad. 
Design tech was all bullsht, the multiple questions were soo difficult (since i didn't study the definitions and can't even workout a rough idea of what it is about) and i took MANY educational guesses.

business exam and mando writing on thursday, maths exam and english reflective task on friday.
HOLD IT HOLD IT HOLD IT school's nearly over -tears of joy-
it's not that i hate school, but i just want to sleep in

we had the other mando teacher supervising SL and HL class. she had no control over the class, i honestly felt so sorry for her. But damn, why cant she just sit on her chair for the whole lesson, that'll save us from minimizing gaming/drama-ing tabs. I was going to take a nap behind my screen but this lady, decided to eat her fried rice next to me. Far out -____-