Friday, December 21, 2012


with mum's business associates at 8pm 

Mushroom and steak and whatever you see on the stone plate

Red tea and coffee jelly

I forgot the name of this 囧
 When we arrived at the restaurant, I greeted the staff with an awkward hello and stood there awkwardly waiting for the waitress to figure out tables etc... WHY AM I A HEAD TALLER THAN ALL OF THEM T___T # tallgirlproblems They were like whispering to each other about how 'not short' I am -____-
I want to be short again (looking forward to getting back in aus)
+ they also thought I couldn't speak mando 

sneaked selfie lolz
can't remember what to blog about

bought a few things..
2 x heels
4 x clothes
1 x bag
3 x accessories 

spent a total of approx 170AUS
the place was so dusty I nearly choked and sneazed like there's no tmr :\
now I feel like I have something in my throat ...
3 hours rush in such a big market T__T
didn't get to see all the shops.
the clothes market place is the blue shaded area.
I only visited 2 STREETS (horizontally) </3...
so in total, I've missed out on like 3/4 of the market -cries-

Hoping I get another chance to go out shopping before I go back to AUS!!
btw finished doctor x