Monday, January 21, 2013

pl0x don't afk on me

decided to play some other games instead of lol 
there are soo many clueless people and afk-ers on tw server QQ 
Then I get clueless as to what to do to help them ... 
this is what happened:
- enemy team ADC mid with 'jungler' in mid lane whole time
- solo bot as ez against ashe (where the bum were the supports lol)
- bought janna sup items (4 wards m8), jokes " go mid janna, you're the only mage in the team"
- my adc disconnects and reconnects 3-5 times (looks at le.pussy)
- riven attempts to carry us, riven rages, no one engages, we get pushed to the nexus 
after all this, this unfortunate lose streak
I decided to go revisit runescape, my first ever mmorpg game :'D

This friendly person decided to ask if anyone isn't a bot.. I was surprised because back in the days, grinding at this place doesnt require bot setting, you just stand there and let the spiders attack you (and you autoattack back). But now they dont attack people so I guess that's why..

Anyway, the levels have now changed... QQ Highest lvl used to be 128 or something lol I can't remember, but now it's 200 or over. I use to be lvl 78 but OHH jokes 132. Remember zezima use to be my hero HAHAHHAHA 
btw zezima is the first player to get 99 in every skill
"zezima, i'm your biggest fan. I know all about you but do you know who I am" - Zezima song
I feel lame LOL 
watched all of tehnoobshow in middle school #lame #ubnub #fag

Had a long chat with this friendly person and we complained about how runescape changed so much and how it sucks now. The new ability stuff makes pvp stupid QQ

but whatever, still better feeling than raging at a non participating player who goes off having dinner 5mins in game... GEEZ JUST DON'T PLAY WHEN DINNER TIME IS COMING UP FFFFFFFS  -rages-

oh and before I went down to kill the spiders.. this weird person was following me. 
she wanted me to join her clan - "the feminist club" I think?
wtf and they all type with " :)"
they sound so nice and well behaved lol are they legal?
to be on runescape?
"Welcome to the clan :)"
"We should go clan wars now :)"
"talk more in clan :)"
"how often do you play runescape? :)"


Come runescape with me and I'll teach you how to pick up some guys at g.e.
jokes we can troll people together and make a long conga line ;D
those memories 

p.s. lol don't judge my character (the one with purple hair), I randomised it all for the lolz. Didn't want to change gender though cause it costs too much.

p.s.s. i have more than 212k dw fred (if he reads this lol), 
The 3mil (or more LOL srsly can't remember the number)are in my bank.

visited c9 too (this was a few days back)
but I died 3 times
1. fell through a crack
2. fell through a crack
3. fell over a bridge 
3 resurrection scrolls for this score
worth it :D
I always have D or C for style </3