Thursday, January 31, 2013

first week

first day was alright, it was soo hot =_____=
after hiding from the sun for almost 2 months, my skin stings when it's under direct sunlight dafuq. probably also because I'm starting my medication again loooooool depression here I come Q___Q 

The only proper class I had on wednesday was ENGLISH with ms T (wasn't sure if I should be happy or screwed). Never mind, "she's the best English teacher" (chen, 2011). Psh, I'm not the only chen in my grade huehue.

She started telling us that  Romeo and Juliet is porn, Macbeth is porn and Shakespeare is porn. We should be glad that our parents are proud that high schoolers study Shakespeare. Then she starts picking out certain sexual words and translating it into modern day language and omfg man THAT'S TRUE. Also learnt that it is pronounced, "ROMEO AND HULIET", rike, oh . my. gosh. 

my life has been a lie

In term 4 last year, we only saw Mcgrath 3 times so we learned very minimal amount of text. We told her that and she decided to give us a speed up 8 week in dept analysis of Macbeth omfg. thank goodness <3 JIT for IOC :D

Then she gave us 2hour 1k word commentary homework to complete before monday.. and we allocated scenes for each person in class to work on during the weekend. HA, fun. there's EE too QQ
4700 word draft by monday 8:50am
jokes we all procrastinated for 2 months GG guise..GG

Today, we chose our cas activity (last for year 12s) (wait what it's the last year already?). We ran to sign up for musical LOL because it's a project and come on COSTUMES AND MAKEUP so chilled. I was thinking to do production but then meh too much work, most likely need to attend EVERY SINGLE practice and get grumpy and yell at everybody. Had enough of that man  Too much tough love, get more wrinkles and white hair. Just gonna be chill and mek some clothes (bleh I can't do make up). 

Speaking of musicals, I was in a musical back in Redeemer (think I've told you about this?)...but.....What was I thinking of? @@ One of the few asians out of 100 or so people. MAN I HAD BALLZ TO GO AUDITION AHAHAH -facepalm- asians just cbf so much. The main roles were taken by grade 12s (back at redeemer), I was in chorus and we just needed to learn songs, learn musical choreo and positioning in the background. Oh lol forgot to mention, the musical we did was 'Singing in the rain' LOOOOOOOOL I can't remember any part of the choreo =____= All I remember was the feeling when you take the high heels off after a dancing scene (especially) and it feels weird like you're floating *___* ANYWAY, I've had that experience and it's enough PLIS I NO WANT TO ACT PLIS. 

funny scene,
I had to be a part of the background for the scene where the main chick (forgot the name) does her solo song. I had to sit with this guy (on a park chair) and act like I'm having a fun time talking with him but really, we were just talking about how bright the light was and how the stage is HOT as fuu.. tbh it was super awks and funny at the same time.

We actually did DDRAWWWINGS in DT :D:D Normally we'd just be learning theory and turning into a boring bludge lecture, Q&A lesson.... BUT TODAY IT WAS DIFFERENT D: We were drawing isometric shapes and shading etc. Preparing us for tomorrow's massive brainstorming/drawing session for our IA. 

Why is EE so hard :(
How do you write in sophisticated Mandarin? Should I watch more historical drama to improve my grammar? -cough-

I've finished half of English, can't even write a decent paragraph without crossing the whole thing out again QQ
for English hwk: -thinks of mando sentence for it, can't translate into english-
for Mando EE: - thinks of English sentence for it, can't translate into Mando-

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

language please.

GC from friday night to saturday 
homework break number 9000

lol mum sent a few derp photos of my brothers swimming 

p.s. if I look half dead or sad/angry/confused it's most likely because my bed is calling for me, telepathy guise.