Sunday, January 27, 2013

staya day shoppppppppppping


On Saturday, we decided to go shopping at Carindale (since I'm kind of lacking summer clothes). The weather was rainy and humid as :\ We arrived there at 11:30ish and walked around for 30mins trying to find a good restaurant. Then we settled at Toscani's.

Last week, I flipped through my wardrobe and took out the clothes that are too small to fit me. 3 bags of clothes, 1 bag of cotton material clothes that can be used as cleaning materials at the office (casually puts in penguin designed pajamas). 2 bags of other random lower % cotton clothes for donation.

so now, I'm constantly wearing my ballon and bio shirt when I'm at home being antisocial.


Couldn't finish the chips wtf this is so weird LOL 
-stuffs chips in mouth-
this is hell

fat control is taking away the eating pleasure

the burger was super delicious though omfg drools BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON BACON
-only orders food with bacon in it-
I ate half of the burger properly and the other half of the burger layer by layer. Leaving the bacon to the end. You know? Leave the best to the last? aww yis.

We've practically walked through every section of the shopping centre twice. The place is hella big and I could legit be lost if I was alone ;___; but man the place is awesomely big and there are so many foooooood :D Didn't get the chance to eat crepes or chocolate, too full from lunch. Another note, feels so awesome not to be a tall muddaparker around the place <3 Woohoo! 

First shop, 
ermagurd how do you shop? do you just touch all the clothes on the rack and judge on the materials? do you just grab the ones you like without looking at the price tag? do you look at the price tag then flip through the ones with that price? 
ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ??!!

Then I finally got the hang of it 
LOL shush my grandma and aunty buy clothes for me most of the time 
they'd just go shoppping in the middle of the day and I'll come back from school with a shirt on my bed 
1. price
2. design/ when can I wear this
3. material

very true, but this sucks because I can't 殺價 (ask to lower the price) QQ 
Something I've learnt in Asialand  d=(´▽`)=b

Dinnerrrrrr time 

saaaallaaaaaaad (still had trouble finishing it but stuffed it all down anyway)

we were going to go to southbank to hang and watch fireworks but it was cancelled because of the rain. So we didn't end up catching the bus to city again. 

Bought this awesome bag lol IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT YES  (。♥‿♥。)
so I'm carrying a massive paper bag that's constantly attacking my leg and it's POINTY AND SHARP.
Dad was calling me and telling me to get back earlier, and that he's having dinner at garbo alone. I thought maybe I'll just go back so he won't have to take two trips. 

對不起 -90 degrees bow- 
Didn't end up meeting with you guys at the city </3 Idk why I'm so scared of playing pool lol cause I know I'm an epic fail with sphere shaped sports. heh..heh..heh lol 10D english class? anyone remember dat fail throw which hit the clock gurd damn so accurate. 


BTW finished 甄嬛傳 on monday :D
so much feels for all of the characters, there are no antagonists, they are just people with their own circumstances.. It's so sad ... the main character (the girl) was just the substitute for the dead empress in the emperor's heart. ERMAGURD takes 5ever to explain the plot but the author is really intelligent. The character development is awesome as well. 

the girl at the start is the prettiest and coolest character imo
11:53 to the end 
皇上駕崩 means 'the emperor has fallen (died)"

oh and the place was empty because she told them to all go away (or else the emperor will try to get them to drive her out)

extremely rough guide:
man she loved him but he didnt trust her so what's wrong with her loving his brother when she was 'kicked' out of the palace. Then she went back to the palace thinking that emperor's brother is dead. She wanted to avenge for his death (he didn't actually die). He ended up dying in her hands because of the emperor's authority. KARMA BITCHES :D