Thursday, June 27, 2013


whoawhoawhoa I'm inactive on blogger for 5 days 
Better blog about something not too boring to make it up 

3 days ago, I found out that mum had an accident on the formal day. Before you start thinking that I'm some sort of ignorant daughter or what not, I want to tell you that I'm not. I just don't check my line timeline as much as I do compared to facebook. I don't know much about what happened in detail but in short, she fell off a horse. When I first read it, I freaked out etc and was about to call her but then I realised that they weren't allow to have mobile phones apparently. I think she doesn't want to let me know about her accident and injuries and I don't know if I should tell her that I know. She never tells me these kind of things because she doesn't want me to worry about her. So this is like asdflkajsdgkjsa :(

Speaking of horse riding, it's actually really hard. People in movies always make it look so easy and so I thought it was like an easy sport pshhht. 2 years ago, in Taiwan, I went with mum to a horse training place and tried out horse riding for the first time of my life. Damn it was hard when she was walking LOL there's a certain tempo that you'll have to keep up with and move your body according to how the horse moves. Then we tried  trotting and ermagurd it was so hard at first to catch the right timing to bounce. My teacher was like "you need to clamp her tigher" "你要夾緊" because if you don't, you'll just slip off. By the end of the session, when I hopped off the horse, I couldn't walk humanly because my inner thighs were super sore and stuck to the riding position. I tried my best walking normally because I can almost guarantee you that the amateurs and pros are waiting for me to go on my fours, and give up walking solely on my legs. Day after, the muscles that I thought never existed were 'killing me' and so I was kind of home bounded. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. It was fun anyway and the horse I had was very good and nice to me xoxoxoxo

Never underestimate those who are able to ride horses. I remember hearing those chicks in middle school who are obsessed with horses etc and going to a horse riding club etc... I use to just think they're 'just  riding horses' but after that experience, I just think they're badass. 

time flies! 
nearly half way into the holidays which means I don't have much time left for intense gaming :(

Saturday, June 22, 2013

狗狗猩猩大冒險2 Episode 07

one of my favourite eps of this show
Have been watching this in Taiwan for the past years, IT'S SO FAB

it's basically about a monkey and a dog going off on missions to do certain tasks (to the festival, collect nuts, go hiking, go to the temple etc). In this episode they're required to take photos at a zoo. He's so bright omg please tell me that this is all real, like they both understand each other without a word and all. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

dat shts true

lolol not posting that one yet 

Tried out the  Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test  on our careers newsletter and I'm INTJ (introverted intuitive thinking judging). Just posting it here for future reference. Just trying to know myself better. 

so they suggest me that I should take on these careers 

aw yis librarian woohoo

Read this really great article on this taiwanese forum, so I want to share this with my lovely stalkers! Time to read my dodgy translation again :D

There's a couple that lives on the 80th level.
One day, they went mountain hiking and found out that their apartment is out of electricity when they returned back to the entrance. Although they were carrying large bags, but there's no other choice. They're sweaty and wanting to go home to take a shower so the wife told the husband, "let's stop waiting, why don't we just walk up there?". The husband agreed and so they both started walking the stairs. 

When they were up to the 20th level, the husband told the wife, "no way, let's put down our bags and wait for the electricity to come back and we'll come back to this level via the lift". The wife agreed. So they dropped the bags at the 20th level and continued to walk on, chatting and laughing. 

When they were up to the 40th level, they were only half way until their destination, they have 40 more levels to go. They started complaining to each other, accused each other, "why didn't you take notice of the electricity notice? now we're so tired". 

They continued to accuse each other until the 60th level. They were so worn out, and no longer have the energy to fight with each other. The husband said, "please stop fighting, we need to quietly finish 20 levels.

They walked the rest of the levels, arrived at their front door and was ready to open the door. 
wife: quick, open the door
husband: don't you have the keys?
The keys were left in the bags on the 20th level. 


This story resembles our life, 
from the time when we were born to about 20 years old, we live our lives under our family, parents, teacher's expectations, just like carrying a heavy burden. After 20, we put down this weight on our shoulders, and happily live for 20 more years. When we're 40, we realise that we've missed out on so many things, regretting the things that we haven't done, haven't tried. Then we start complaining about our jobs, our company, everything around us. When we're 60, with not much time left, then we tell ourselves "stop complaining about things and start cherishing the rest of the days". When we're 80, near the end of our time, we look back and realise that our dreams have been left at the times when we were 20 years old, still incomplete. 

start cherishing every second of your life, start making your hopes and aspirations come true. Live life to the fullest #yolo 

I also came across this post with a title - "Taiwanese woman in the eyes of a foreigner" (eng and chinese inc)
I must say that it's quite true, even though there has been some rage from the Taiwanese internet community. It's really quite controversial in a way but soz I'm not on Taiwan's side for this. I must say he's speaking the blunt truth and he's not extremely bias. Many people were mad and started criticising this guy, saying that he's only been meeting the same types of people (at clubs etc) so he's generalising and what not. In all honesty, if that's what they see, then there's some work that needs to be done to improve our image. Same with any other culture, works both ways. Recently, people in Taiwan have been complaining and criticising the foreigners in Taiwan, saying that they're taking advantage of the Taiwanese chicks in the clubs. True, but what are the chicks doing? Grinding and stripping with them, doing the same thing. Taiwanese chick, sitting with her ass hanging out, on foreigner's lap in the train? People started saying that the foreigner is a dickhead, taking advantage of the Taiwanese chick. WTF she chose to sit on his lap and SHE chose to have her ass hanging out the guy was just awkwardly sitting there. 

Thinking that I could be one of those narrow minded people accusing foreigners for EVERYTHING, just disgusts me. 
And the Taiwanese say, "入境隨俗" aka "when in rome, do as the romans do"
and they come to Australia, and expect the entire community to put up with their behaviour, shielded by the 'it's a cultural thing' excuse.

 I guess it's alright to address the major thing that I find extremely annoying and piss me off (all the time)... 
when people talk on their phones really loudly in public enclosed space (buses, trains, elevators etc)
Don't use "we're asian, we just naturally talk loud! are you being racist here?" I am sick of it. Respect other people in the space and think, if you were in their position, would you like it if someone talks shit loud on their phone and you couldn't even understand the shitload of things they were saying. Oh hey there, do you know you're creating noise pollution, you need to lower your volume or stfu. In fact, let's not just specifically talk about asians, but there are non-asians who do this as well. pls stop.

So when a non asian confronts the noisy asian on the phone, they call it racism. Have they actually noticed that the 'majority' community aren't hypocrites in this case? When I confront the noisy asian, they'd listen and tone down the volume. Someone tell me what's happening here. Foreigners in Taiwan are often targeted in any 'wrongdoings'. Foreigners in Australia often target other people for the other's wrongdoings and when they themselves are targeted for a wrongdoing, they go all "OH MY GAD, RACISMMAWEGLKAJSLKJWA".


oh yeah also... every time I go out in Taiwan. I feel more manly than the guys I see on the street. Maybe I'm on the wrong street, but all hail femininity, please come my way. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's confusing me and my data.  

ya feel me?

formal tmr omg can I sleep at home? 

until then!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

mini rant - hmm

I was going to work on that post
but then I went to sleep at 6pm and now it's 4 in the morning what do I do lol?

too true bby

a thought:
I still remember my very first impression of the admin. It dated back to april 2010, all I can say is that we weren't quite happy with them. Not even till now. So many little things that are SO EASY to be taken care of. I've had detentions for being late because my parents didn't call up to the school when my bus was late but you know what, we did call up but they thought my name was Maggie Tran so they put down the wrong name. Furreal. 
It could be because we have asian pronunciations but they didn't even bother double checking if the name was right or not. Apparently they just went, okok, and hung up really quickly. Life skills: Always be mindful with the asian names, so easy to get wrong, don't be confident about it, ANYONE. Then again, am I really the right person to be giving tips on 'life skills'? HAHAHA I JUST WANT TO BE A CAT.
How did we eventually find out that they've been putting down the wrong name for the past year (or maybe 2)?
I told the front desk that we did call, I showed her the text from stepmum saying that she called.
They didn't care, " no. you. did. not. call. in. -pissed face-"
 stepmum called in to complain.
gets an email from frontdesk telling me that my detention is deleted.

If I was a cat in this situation, would of just be like "stuff this I'm going to do something useful today". Goes around the city rounding mah urban cat homies and go on a fun run. WHY NOT? At least we're all having fun, exercising. Okay maybe not. We'll probably end up sitting outside eb games watching people play games because we have paws and will have trouble pressing the keys. BUT THEN AGAIN. Aieron plays league (and he's good!) with no hands, just his feet, and his mouth (with a spoon). I can do all thingsssssss. ENDLESS DREAMS AS A CAT. 

so I got in trouble (lol just a few mins talk as a small group) because I liked a post about someone complaining that the formal wasn't open so they couldn't ask someone from CI. Hmmmm. How is that in anyway, ruining the reputation of the school? Though, I do agree in that facebook shows any/every liking or commenting on a page so it might grow and become even more exposed to the public. The thing is, reputation is primarily built up from the word of mouth. Some people could be graduating with a terrible impression and experience. If I were to think about coming into the school. I'd first do my own research, then I'd get myself in contact with someone who is either currently in the school, or graduated from the school... and to be honest, I'd trust more on the student's perspective than the information I'm researched about or heard from the school. I'm not getting a job at the school, I WILL BE THE STUDENT IN THE SCHOOL and if students are not happy, then I wouldn't be interested in the papers. I will only be interested in papers if I'm working there.  So (long jump), I believe there's an alternative way to how everything is handled at the moment. Let's learn to develop some AQ.

I happen to choose this quote for our first qcs pract in the morning "You will only be judged by your actions, but not your intentions; you may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard-boiled egg"
(lol it goes something like that)

I'm scared what if a spy is reading my blog :(

Sunday, June 16, 2013

new post tonight

Life's been somewhat eventful I must say
Been slacking off on blogging :(
quality>quantity ?? 
explains why I post photos and just let it tell the story 
can't even be bothered to blog 
I mean, videos are surely much more interesting right?

I was just kidding
I need to play lol or minecraft now or else it feels like I wasted my weekend LOL
here are some support stats (from last weekend) hopefully trick you into thinking how good I am at league. I wish I had lolreplay on so I could make a gif of soraka plays. Cheating death all day errday.

anyway so I'm off :D
p.s. the legit real post is still in draft I cannot let myself down NEVER

until then

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


So I have this tune stuck in my head but I can't find or remember the song name. To make it worse, it's a famous classical music piece but I have nil memory of the name of it. FUUU.

so it goes like
dun, dun-dun, dun-dun, dundundun
dun, dundundun
dundundundun dun, dun dun


I'm actually being legit not even trolling :(

Saturday, June 8, 2013

past week

First of all, I apologise for my lack of posts and the daily disappointments for the people who actually stalk my blog. 
Unbelievable yeah?

Let's get straight into it HAHAHHA
^low patience 

Recently, I've been involved in quite a few dnm sesh with different people. I've got to know people's true thoughts, why they think that way, and how it effected their personality growth. I've had truths thrown at me and in all honesty, I don't actually give a flying fuq about it thought it did make me sad for about a few seconds but I'm learning to get over it and appreciating the fact that they're speaking the ultimate truth to me. I'm really glad that people are willing to share their life stories with me, not just those small things like being constipated for a week but events that changed their life, changed their mindset and what they hope to endeavor in the future. 

Some other dnm are just the average normal ones. About friends and our own shit personalities etc. I really admire people who are able to pull back from the 'bad' side. I think some people are too concerned of the fact that they've once been led 'astray'...instead, why not compliment on the person's ability to rebound and withdraw from a situation like that. I'm not going to deny that we've never talked about someone (who's evidently not included in the discussion). Everyone does that, unless if you're mute or are reserved. People talk about the good and the bad in someone, it's only natural. It will happen in high school, in uni, in work, after work, whenever. My parents would say, 
"oh that happens often, even at my age"
what is there to do about it? 
"you learn to confront or get over it"

lol the last time I felt like I been mentally stabbed was when someone thought I was bitchy and picked on them because I hated them. Guess what I did? I couldn't hold it in, couldn't feel comfortable for a few minutes and just walked up right to the person and asked if they said those things. I couldn't even bear it LOL. Interested in what happened afterwards? We're became closer friends.
 I told them my reasons and the person told me their thoughts. 
That might not be the 'best' way to solve problems like this, but it's much better than sitting there feeling sad and angry about it. 

Dad's new HTC ONE

looking pretty hawt
didn't get samsung because you know, it's samsung ..
but I still like my phone better
I can take underwater photos
I can chuck it in the hot pot
 I can take calls in the shower 

On my way home on friday,
I met this little fella (didn't see if it's male or female)
So friendly *___*
'he' was sitting hear the white car and I just happened to walk past and our eyes met (omg fangirling). I was hesitating on whether or not I should pet him and I finally gave in ALFJSDLKGJSLAKSJLAKSJFSLDGJALKS
Then I said goodbye and motioned him to stop following me lol. Thankfully he's very disciplined and stopped at a distance. Then I saw a man walking towards the car, so I'm assuming that the dog is his awks. Shouldn't be petting someone else's pet without permission >___>

Anyway, this fella made my day xoxoxoxoxo

I left DT exam early, walked around the school and found the grade 10s chillin around, watching performances, having picnics. What the heck. We never had that. WHUUUT :(
Here's a $1 cupcake that I bought from the grade 10 store


Oh wait lul invitations are out

This morning I was woken up by a middle aged couple at the door. Was legit just throwing on some decent clothes and stumbling my way out of the room. Turns out they were promoting 'life in a peaceful new world' thing. I wasn't actually really interested in the content but just listened to her voice omg she was so sincere and gentle. Couldn't just shut the door and or dismiss her with 'not interested' (really wanted to go back to sleep). Stood there and listened, took the brochure, "have a good day". 

Doing maths and listening to 'Embarrassing bodies' 
getting judged hard aye but it's quite educational 

until then!

Thursday, June 6, 2013



Sunday, June 2, 2013

we are, the bank to the banks

First of all, I know my structure is a bit awkward and seems like I'm jumping from places to places. I had a verbal diarrhea and so many things are bombarding in my head. Bear with it my friends.

I've always been taught that I should start saving money as soon as possible.
You'll probably think I'm nonsense, 

I'm starting to wonder.
where the money goes when we put money in our bank accounts?
We've been taught that putting our money in banks would be the safest thing to do. Sure thing, we can draw out money whenever we want...but wouldn't that be stupid on the bank's part. How would they grow? Banks are businesses, they can't simply generate that much money through transaction fees etc. There is definitely something sketchy in what they do. Are we basically just giving free money to banks? That they can just simply type in the digits in and fake it all. 

Instead of thinking that I'm depositing my money into my bank account for safety. Don't you think that we're actually lending out money to the banks and them paying us interest for the 'loan' we give them? Interest exists to make us want to deposit more money in and keep it 'with the bank' because we think we're 'earning' more money but in reality, we're actually not. Looking at the digits on the transaction receipt, we think we're probably quite wealthy but we're actually not legally in ownership of them. In fact, this is what I believe is the truth that have been hidden away from us. 

We can only demand the bank for our money back and if they cannot do that, we can only sue them. We won't get ANYTHING when they declare insolvency. Unless if you have a insurance, then you can probably get a certain amount back but all else? gone. Good for us, there is a Federal reserve act still there to save our arse (a bit). Wouldn't it be a smart move to demand for your money back before the bank declares insolvency? We are the last in queue, to be paid the money we lent to banks. 

The banks can use our deposited money for whatever use. 
They use it to loan to other people, using our money to lend to others. Yet the savings digit we see are in fact, a record of what we've carelessly given them. Who said records can't be destroyed? Records can be eliminated from the face of the earth in a matter of seconds. Are we even sure that the records are real? Or is it just a record with no core? 

Youth accounts, in my opinion, are just a trap that's packaged nicely for us. To look appealing, and somewhat reliable and what not. Yes I do have a youth savings account and now I'm really unsure about what kind of attitude I should hold towards my future deposits. 

I've also learned that loans are money that we borrow from banks, everyone knows that. Banks are able to offer loans all because they're now in ownership of the money people deposit. We pay back loans to banks, the money doesn't go back into anyone's account (to be confirmed). 
The problem in this is that banks create 'money' through punching in some digits in the computer. There are so many underlying problems which I have no intent to mention because I'll probably go on and on. 

We deposit because we trust the banks that they can give us the money when we demand for it. 
They survive off the difference in interest. We're keeping them alive by depositing our money. This does Sound like a fair plan, people have financial problems and need money. Mortgage is pathetic, yet inevitable for most of us. 
This is how the world works, we can only watch it crumble down. 

Explains why people don't hold too much cash in banks because they're DIGITAL, can be tracked and so government can tax you more. Instead of keeping them in savings, invest in assets like gold for example. Also, playing in the stock market is not for the faint-hearted. A family friend of ours had significant amount of $$ and lost all of it over night. He grew so much grey hair in a short amount of time...shaken voice unlike his usual self. It was pretty devastating.
tl;dr savings? more like lendings. Our material cash turns into digital cash, exposing to more risk. Money in the bank doesn't mean it's safe. 

forgot to mention, I'm directing it specifically at banks overseas like America LOL because Australian banks are tightasses  more reserved and don't screw up the economy as much.

There are still so much to learn, I believe that I've definitely missed some important regulations or rules whatsoever. It totally fine if you disagree with me. I'd like to know what people think and that would be quite an interesting discussion :D

oh, and wassup G20. Coming to brisbane next year aye. 
let the bullies gather.
K cool brisbane city goes into lock down, roads closed from airport to central business district (reference lol), southbank etc. No buses, ferries.
Things are going to get dirty.
thanks for wasting our time and money on this, you go gillard 
bring more violence, protesters and riot to Brisbane city because we love destruction (extreme sarcasm)
put the conference on an island and everyone will be happy =__=
Whoever feels glorified about Brisbane being chosen for the event....
 I hope in time, you will feel ashamed. 
If you don't know about it.. now you do.. brace yourselves 

Plan: flee as far as I could near the 15th of November 2014 

oh hay isnt that during the IB exams? bl if they have an exam on either the 15th or the 16th... GG probably can't even get to school?

can I turn into a cat already?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

life lessons / get to know yourself

Things I've learned from playing level 252 on candy crush..

Having a smooth, easy life feels awesome only for a short while. After you know that everything will go your way, it's hard to feel content and you crave for more. 
They really need to fix this level, add in another colour candy or something. You can honestly go on forever on this level. I played for a solid hour and was 700k away from 10mil and my phone lagged and the app crashed. If my phone didn't run out of battery and overheat, I would be playing on forever. You know why? because I wanted to know what the limit was. How far I could go, how many points I could get, until I reach the ultimate 'cap'. I started to get annoyed about how 'simple' this level was, how simple it is to get combos. It's not even fun anymore, it's not challenging and I don't feel like I've achieved anything. 

it's the best, and the worst level I've played

my options were..
* to leave my phone and wait for my time to run out
* continue playing until I find the point 'cap'

Of course, I chose to continue playing because #yolo
but again, #yolo ing contains risk, and the more you risk, the more you lose.
I LOST AN HOUR (where I could of played spirit tales or studied)
I invested time in something risky 
in turn
I received nothing.
When I returned back to the game, I was at the welcome screen.
-flips table-

I think that concept is living, it's everywhere.
It really makes me wonder,
how do you know something is worth the risk,
when you know that you can lose what you invest in?

Should we be content with what we have? 
or should we take the risk of losing everything and achieve better results? 

Things you learn from candy crush.
I am truly somewhat addicted. 
Though I don't like the game anymore, but I play it anyway because I want to conquer it. 

found this on taiwanese forum again 
soz for awks translation in advance

Q1. Which one of the following resembles you the most?
not strict on yourself and others (to Q2)
lenient on yourself, strict on others (to Q3)
strict on yourself and others (to Q4)
Strict on yourself, lenient on others (to Q5)

Q2. Before exams, do you clean your rooms or read novels?
yes (to Q6)
no (to Q7)

Q3. Until now, have you tried to offer your seat on the bus for more than 10 times?
yes (to Q6)
no (to Q8)

Q4. You are easily tricked?
yes (to Q9)
no (to Q7)

Q5. Can you quickly list 10 things you want?
yes (to Q9)
no (to Q8)

Q6. Have you been through a phase where you're curious and interested about anything and everything?
yes (to Q10)
no (to Q12)

Q7. If you could go back in time, when would you go back to?
10 years ago (to Q14)
5 years ago (to Q11)

Q8. Which resembles you more?
today's given work, complete it today (to Q13)
tomorrow's work, done tomorrow (to Q12)

Q9. You're very sociable?
yes (to Q14)
no (to Q13)

Q10. Do you have a pot (for plants) in your bedroom?
yes (to Q15)
no (to Q16)

Q11. You're bad at fighting with others ?
yes (to Q17)
no (to Q16)

Q12. what is the reason for you to see the sunrise?
you couldn't sleep all night (to Q18)
you woke up early (to Q17)

Q13. You've been purposely cold towards the person you like?
yes (to Q18)
no (to Q19)

Q14. You repeat the things you say?
yes (to Q20)
no (to Q19)

Q15. You don't really like to take photos?
yes (type B)
no (type A)

Q16. You look younger than your age?
yes (type C)
no (type B)

Q17. You haven't really smiled (and you really mean it) recently?
yes (type E)
no (type C)

Q18. If you had a chance, you would go to...?
london or bali france (type E)
Hawaii or guam (type D)

Q19. You like to make surprises for people?
yes (type F)
no (type G)

Q20. You've 'snatched away' someone's boyfriend/girlfriend?
yes (type G)
no (type F)


Type A Sweet
This type of person is generally kind and gentle, everyone likes to be friends with you and you normally live a smooth life. You're the one who are more likely to hold onto your happiness. Your existence is appreciated, many people rely on you but you're taken lightly for, underestimated, and people think you're easy to take advantage of. In the world we live in today, especially to those who want to succeed, you need to strengthen up, have more guts to say no to others.

Type B Spicy 
You seem to give off a 'spicy' feeling to others. You dress more towards the stylish, bright type because you want people to look at you. However, you may be overdressed or in a style that makes you seem like a person who's hard to approach. So sometimes, it's better to tone down a bit on formal events. Although you're lively and active and that' a good thing but be mindful, the people around you are not like you.

Type C Sour
This type of person is 'hearty', but perhaps gives people an overly 'sour' feeling, makes people think that you're hard to get along with. Essentially, this type of person is easy to get along with, and gives people a good impression but they tend to be hard to read, no one really knows what they're thinking of. So if anyone wants to be friends with them, just exaggerate your positive attributes!

Type D Bitter
This type of person is strict but gentle, even though they may seem like a person who's easy to talk to or to communicate with, but they're stubborn, strong headed and don't like to comply with other people...People dislike 'bitter' people of this very reason. Compromise when it is needed, coordinate with others by changing the way you deal with things. In this way, you can truly be respected by others. 

Type E Astringent 
This type of person is honest and naive. You could be initially seen as a boring person, but once people get to know you better, they'll find that you have an unexpected unique trait/attribute. You are a man/woman with ideas. Although you're not really in the center of the spotlight within groups, but you still live a happy life and if you can specialize and work on the area of your expertise, you may have more chance to be seen and noticed. 

Type F sauce
This type of person has self control and are flexible. Why sauce? I guess it's because there are sweetness or spiciness in sauces. Your personality is more appealing and noticeable compared to your appearance. Which is your best feature. The better the people know you, the more they'll like you.

Type G 'wasabi'
This type of person is full of energy, enthusiastic and passionate but sometimes likes to force people to do things accordingly to their thoughts and beliefs...sometimes may even kindle strife. On the other hand, this type of person have great decision making power/ability and mobile force which are the top attributes that a leader should holds. Remember to think for others. 

how did it go? 
what flavour are you?

julie - B (we think B as well)
jessica - F ( we think F as well)
victoria - E (we think it's a mix of E and D)
eileen c - C (we think it's a mix of A and C)
maggie - G (we think G as well)

there goes all the flavours LOL