Thursday, June 27, 2013


whoawhoawhoa I'm inactive on blogger for 5 days 
Better blog about something not too boring to make it up 

3 days ago, I found out that mum had an accident on the formal day. Before you start thinking that I'm some sort of ignorant daughter or what not, I want to tell you that I'm not. I just don't check my line timeline as much as I do compared to facebook. I don't know much about what happened in detail but in short, she fell off a horse. When I first read it, I freaked out etc and was about to call her but then I realised that they weren't allow to have mobile phones apparently. I think she doesn't want to let me know about her accident and injuries and I don't know if I should tell her that I know. She never tells me these kind of things because she doesn't want me to worry about her. So this is like asdflkajsdgkjsa :(

Speaking of horse riding, it's actually really hard. People in movies always make it look so easy and so I thought it was like an easy sport pshhht. 2 years ago, in Taiwan, I went with mum to a horse training place and tried out horse riding for the first time of my life. Damn it was hard when she was walking LOL there's a certain tempo that you'll have to keep up with and move your body according to how the horse moves. Then we tried  trotting and ermagurd it was so hard at first to catch the right timing to bounce. My teacher was like "you need to clamp her tigher" "你要夾緊" because if you don't, you'll just slip off. By the end of the session, when I hopped off the horse, I couldn't walk humanly because my inner thighs were super sore and stuck to the riding position. I tried my best walking normally because I can almost guarantee you that the amateurs and pros are waiting for me to go on my fours, and give up walking solely on my legs. Day after, the muscles that I thought never existed were 'killing me' and so I was kind of home bounded. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. It was fun anyway and the horse I had was very good and nice to me xoxoxoxo

Never underestimate those who are able to ride horses. I remember hearing those chicks in middle school who are obsessed with horses etc and going to a horse riding club etc... I use to just think they're 'just  riding horses' but after that experience, I just think they're badass. 

time flies! 
nearly half way into the holidays which means I don't have much time left for intense gaming :(