Sunday, June 2, 2013

we are, the bank to the banks

First of all, I know my structure is a bit awkward and seems like I'm jumping from places to places. I had a verbal diarrhea and so many things are bombarding in my head. Bear with it my friends.

I've always been taught that I should start saving money as soon as possible.
You'll probably think I'm nonsense, 

I'm starting to wonder.
where the money goes when we put money in our bank accounts?
We've been taught that putting our money in banks would be the safest thing to do. Sure thing, we can draw out money whenever we want...but wouldn't that be stupid on the bank's part. How would they grow? Banks are businesses, they can't simply generate that much money through transaction fees etc. There is definitely something sketchy in what they do. Are we basically just giving free money to banks? That they can just simply type in the digits in and fake it all. 

Instead of thinking that I'm depositing my money into my bank account for safety. Don't you think that we're actually lending out money to the banks and them paying us interest for the 'loan' we give them? Interest exists to make us want to deposit more money in and keep it 'with the bank' because we think we're 'earning' more money but in reality, we're actually not. Looking at the digits on the transaction receipt, we think we're probably quite wealthy but we're actually not legally in ownership of them. In fact, this is what I believe is the truth that have been hidden away from us. 

We can only demand the bank for our money back and if they cannot do that, we can only sue them. We won't get ANYTHING when they declare insolvency. Unless if you have a insurance, then you can probably get a certain amount back but all else? gone. Good for us, there is a Federal reserve act still there to save our arse (a bit). Wouldn't it be a smart move to demand for your money back before the bank declares insolvency? We are the last in queue, to be paid the money we lent to banks. 

The banks can use our deposited money for whatever use. 
They use it to loan to other people, using our money to lend to others. Yet the savings digit we see are in fact, a record of what we've carelessly given them. Who said records can't be destroyed? Records can be eliminated from the face of the earth in a matter of seconds. Are we even sure that the records are real? Or is it just a record with no core? 

Youth accounts, in my opinion, are just a trap that's packaged nicely for us. To look appealing, and somewhat reliable and what not. Yes I do have a youth savings account and now I'm really unsure about what kind of attitude I should hold towards my future deposits. 

I've also learned that loans are money that we borrow from banks, everyone knows that. Banks are able to offer loans all because they're now in ownership of the money people deposit. We pay back loans to banks, the money doesn't go back into anyone's account (to be confirmed). 
The problem in this is that banks create 'money' through punching in some digits in the computer. There are so many underlying problems which I have no intent to mention because I'll probably go on and on. 

We deposit because we trust the banks that they can give us the money when we demand for it. 
They survive off the difference in interest. We're keeping them alive by depositing our money. This does Sound like a fair plan, people have financial problems and need money. Mortgage is pathetic, yet inevitable for most of us. 
This is how the world works, we can only watch it crumble down. 

Explains why people don't hold too much cash in banks because they're DIGITAL, can be tracked and so government can tax you more. Instead of keeping them in savings, invest in assets like gold for example. Also, playing in the stock market is not for the faint-hearted. A family friend of ours had significant amount of $$ and lost all of it over night. He grew so much grey hair in a short amount of time...shaken voice unlike his usual self. It was pretty devastating.
tl;dr savings? more like lendings. Our material cash turns into digital cash, exposing to more risk. Money in the bank doesn't mean it's safe. 

forgot to mention, I'm directing it specifically at banks overseas like America LOL because Australian banks are tightasses  more reserved and don't screw up the economy as much.

There are still so much to learn, I believe that I've definitely missed some important regulations or rules whatsoever. It totally fine if you disagree with me. I'd like to know what people think and that would be quite an interesting discussion :D

oh, and wassup G20. Coming to brisbane next year aye. 
let the bullies gather.
K cool brisbane city goes into lock down, roads closed from airport to central business district (reference lol), southbank etc. No buses, ferries.
Things are going to get dirty.
thanks for wasting our time and money on this, you go gillard 
bring more violence, protesters and riot to Brisbane city because we love destruction (extreme sarcasm)
put the conference on an island and everyone will be happy =__=
Whoever feels glorified about Brisbane being chosen for the event....
 I hope in time, you will feel ashamed. 
If you don't know about it.. now you do.. brace yourselves 

Plan: flee as far as I could near the 15th of November 2014 

oh hay isnt that during the IB exams? bl if they have an exam on either the 15th or the 16th... GG probably can't even get to school?

can I turn into a cat already?