Saturday, June 1, 2013

life lessons / get to know yourself

Things I've learned from playing level 252 on candy crush..

Having a smooth, easy life feels awesome only for a short while. After you know that everything will go your way, it's hard to feel content and you crave for more. 
They really need to fix this level, add in another colour candy or something. You can honestly go on forever on this level. I played for a solid hour and was 700k away from 10mil and my phone lagged and the app crashed. If my phone didn't run out of battery and overheat, I would be playing on forever. You know why? because I wanted to know what the limit was. How far I could go, how many points I could get, until I reach the ultimate 'cap'. I started to get annoyed about how 'simple' this level was, how simple it is to get combos. It's not even fun anymore, it's not challenging and I don't feel like I've achieved anything. 

it's the best, and the worst level I've played

my options were..
* to leave my phone and wait for my time to run out
* continue playing until I find the point 'cap'

Of course, I chose to continue playing because #yolo
but again, #yolo ing contains risk, and the more you risk, the more you lose.
I LOST AN HOUR (where I could of played spirit tales or studied)
I invested time in something risky 
in turn
I received nothing.
When I returned back to the game, I was at the welcome screen.
-flips table-

I think that concept is living, it's everywhere.
It really makes me wonder,
how do you know something is worth the risk,
when you know that you can lose what you invest in?

Should we be content with what we have? 
or should we take the risk of losing everything and achieve better results? 

Things you learn from candy crush.
I am truly somewhat addicted. 
Though I don't like the game anymore, but I play it anyway because I want to conquer it. 

found this on taiwanese forum again 
soz for awks translation in advance

Q1. Which one of the following resembles you the most?
not strict on yourself and others (to Q2)
lenient on yourself, strict on others (to Q3)
strict on yourself and others (to Q4)
Strict on yourself, lenient on others (to Q5)

Q2. Before exams, do you clean your rooms or read novels?
yes (to Q6)
no (to Q7)

Q3. Until now, have you tried to offer your seat on the bus for more than 10 times?
yes (to Q6)
no (to Q8)

Q4. You are easily tricked?
yes (to Q9)
no (to Q7)

Q5. Can you quickly list 10 things you want?
yes (to Q9)
no (to Q8)

Q6. Have you been through a phase where you're curious and interested about anything and everything?
yes (to Q10)
no (to Q12)

Q7. If you could go back in time, when would you go back to?
10 years ago (to Q14)
5 years ago (to Q11)

Q8. Which resembles you more?
today's given work, complete it today (to Q13)
tomorrow's work, done tomorrow (to Q12)

Q9. You're very sociable?
yes (to Q14)
no (to Q13)

Q10. Do you have a pot (for plants) in your bedroom?
yes (to Q15)
no (to Q16)

Q11. You're bad at fighting with others ?
yes (to Q17)
no (to Q16)

Q12. what is the reason for you to see the sunrise?
you couldn't sleep all night (to Q18)
you woke up early (to Q17)

Q13. You've been purposely cold towards the person you like?
yes (to Q18)
no (to Q19)

Q14. You repeat the things you say?
yes (to Q20)
no (to Q19)

Q15. You don't really like to take photos?
yes (type B)
no (type A)

Q16. You look younger than your age?
yes (type C)
no (type B)

Q17. You haven't really smiled (and you really mean it) recently?
yes (type E)
no (type C)

Q18. If you had a chance, you would go to...?
london or bali france (type E)
Hawaii or guam (type D)

Q19. You like to make surprises for people?
yes (type F)
no (type G)

Q20. You've 'snatched away' someone's boyfriend/girlfriend?
yes (type G)
no (type F)


Type A Sweet
This type of person is generally kind and gentle, everyone likes to be friends with you and you normally live a smooth life. You're the one who are more likely to hold onto your happiness. Your existence is appreciated, many people rely on you but you're taken lightly for, underestimated, and people think you're easy to take advantage of. In the world we live in today, especially to those who want to succeed, you need to strengthen up, have more guts to say no to others.

Type B Spicy 
You seem to give off a 'spicy' feeling to others. You dress more towards the stylish, bright type because you want people to look at you. However, you may be overdressed or in a style that makes you seem like a person who's hard to approach. So sometimes, it's better to tone down a bit on formal events. Although you're lively and active and that' a good thing but be mindful, the people around you are not like you.

Type C Sour
This type of person is 'hearty', but perhaps gives people an overly 'sour' feeling, makes people think that you're hard to get along with. Essentially, this type of person is easy to get along with, and gives people a good impression but they tend to be hard to read, no one really knows what they're thinking of. So if anyone wants to be friends with them, just exaggerate your positive attributes!

Type D Bitter
This type of person is strict but gentle, even though they may seem like a person who's easy to talk to or to communicate with, but they're stubborn, strong headed and don't like to comply with other people...People dislike 'bitter' people of this very reason. Compromise when it is needed, coordinate with others by changing the way you deal with things. In this way, you can truly be respected by others. 

Type E Astringent 
This type of person is honest and naive. You could be initially seen as a boring person, but once people get to know you better, they'll find that you have an unexpected unique trait/attribute. You are a man/woman with ideas. Although you're not really in the center of the spotlight within groups, but you still live a happy life and if you can specialize and work on the area of your expertise, you may have more chance to be seen and noticed. 

Type F sauce
This type of person has self control and are flexible. Why sauce? I guess it's because there are sweetness or spiciness in sauces. Your personality is more appealing and noticeable compared to your appearance. Which is your best feature. The better the people know you, the more they'll like you.

Type G 'wasabi'
This type of person is full of energy, enthusiastic and passionate but sometimes likes to force people to do things accordingly to their thoughts and beliefs...sometimes may even kindle strife. On the other hand, this type of person have great decision making power/ability and mobile force which are the top attributes that a leader should holds. Remember to think for others. 

how did it go? 
what flavour are you?

julie - B (we think B as well)
jessica - F ( we think F as well)
victoria - E (we think it's a mix of E and D)
eileen c - C (we think it's a mix of A and C)
maggie - G (we think G as well)

there goes all the flavours LOL