Saturday, June 8, 2013

past week

First of all, I apologise for my lack of posts and the daily disappointments for the people who actually stalk my blog. 
Unbelievable yeah?

Let's get straight into it HAHAHHA
^low patience 

Recently, I've been involved in quite a few dnm sesh with different people. I've got to know people's true thoughts, why they think that way, and how it effected their personality growth. I've had truths thrown at me and in all honesty, I don't actually give a flying fuq about it thought it did make me sad for about a few seconds but I'm learning to get over it and appreciating the fact that they're speaking the ultimate truth to me. I'm really glad that people are willing to share their life stories with me, not just those small things like being constipated for a week but events that changed their life, changed their mindset and what they hope to endeavor in the future. 

Some other dnm are just the average normal ones. About friends and our own shit personalities etc. I really admire people who are able to pull back from the 'bad' side. I think some people are too concerned of the fact that they've once been led 'astray'...instead, why not compliment on the person's ability to rebound and withdraw from a situation like that. I'm not going to deny that we've never talked about someone (who's evidently not included in the discussion). Everyone does that, unless if you're mute or are reserved. People talk about the good and the bad in someone, it's only natural. It will happen in high school, in uni, in work, after work, whenever. My parents would say, 
"oh that happens often, even at my age"
what is there to do about it? 
"you learn to confront or get over it"

lol the last time I felt like I been mentally stabbed was when someone thought I was bitchy and picked on them because I hated them. Guess what I did? I couldn't hold it in, couldn't feel comfortable for a few minutes and just walked up right to the person and asked if they said those things. I couldn't even bear it LOL. Interested in what happened afterwards? We're became closer friends.
 I told them my reasons and the person told me their thoughts. 
That might not be the 'best' way to solve problems like this, but it's much better than sitting there feeling sad and angry about it. 

Dad's new HTC ONE

looking pretty hawt
didn't get samsung because you know, it's samsung ..
but I still like my phone better
I can take underwater photos
I can chuck it in the hot pot
 I can take calls in the shower 

On my way home on friday,
I met this little fella (didn't see if it's male or female)
So friendly *___*
'he' was sitting hear the white car and I just happened to walk past and our eyes met (omg fangirling). I was hesitating on whether or not I should pet him and I finally gave in ALFJSDLKGJSLAKSJLAKSJFSLDGJALKS
Then I said goodbye and motioned him to stop following me lol. Thankfully he's very disciplined and stopped at a distance. Then I saw a man walking towards the car, so I'm assuming that the dog is his awks. Shouldn't be petting someone else's pet without permission >___>

Anyway, this fella made my day xoxoxoxoxo

I left DT exam early, walked around the school and found the grade 10s chillin around, watching performances, having picnics. What the heck. We never had that. WHUUUT :(
Here's a $1 cupcake that I bought from the grade 10 store


Oh wait lul invitations are out

This morning I was woken up by a middle aged couple at the door. Was legit just throwing on some decent clothes and stumbling my way out of the room. Turns out they were promoting 'life in a peaceful new world' thing. I wasn't actually really interested in the content but just listened to her voice omg she was so sincere and gentle. Couldn't just shut the door and or dismiss her with 'not interested' (really wanted to go back to sleep). Stood there and listened, took the brochure, "have a good day". 

Doing maths and listening to 'Embarrassing bodies' 
getting judged hard aye but it's quite educational 

until then!