Thursday, June 20, 2013

dat shts true

lolol not posting that one yet 

Tried out the  Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test  on our careers newsletter and I'm INTJ (introverted intuitive thinking judging). Just posting it here for future reference. Just trying to know myself better. 

so they suggest me that I should take on these careers 

aw yis librarian woohoo

Read this really great article on this taiwanese forum, so I want to share this with my lovely stalkers! Time to read my dodgy translation again :D

There's a couple that lives on the 80th level.
One day, they went mountain hiking and found out that their apartment is out of electricity when they returned back to the entrance. Although they were carrying large bags, but there's no other choice. They're sweaty and wanting to go home to take a shower so the wife told the husband, "let's stop waiting, why don't we just walk up there?". The husband agreed and so they both started walking the stairs. 

When they were up to the 20th level, the husband told the wife, "no way, let's put down our bags and wait for the electricity to come back and we'll come back to this level via the lift". The wife agreed. So they dropped the bags at the 20th level and continued to walk on, chatting and laughing. 

When they were up to the 40th level, they were only half way until their destination, they have 40 more levels to go. They started complaining to each other, accused each other, "why didn't you take notice of the electricity notice? now we're so tired". 

They continued to accuse each other until the 60th level. They were so worn out, and no longer have the energy to fight with each other. The husband said, "please stop fighting, we need to quietly finish 20 levels.

They walked the rest of the levels, arrived at their front door and was ready to open the door. 
wife: quick, open the door
husband: don't you have the keys?
The keys were left in the bags on the 20th level. 


This story resembles our life, 
from the time when we were born to about 20 years old, we live our lives under our family, parents, teacher's expectations, just like carrying a heavy burden. After 20, we put down this weight on our shoulders, and happily live for 20 more years. When we're 40, we realise that we've missed out on so many things, regretting the things that we haven't done, haven't tried. Then we start complaining about our jobs, our company, everything around us. When we're 60, with not much time left, then we tell ourselves "stop complaining about things and start cherishing the rest of the days". When we're 80, near the end of our time, we look back and realise that our dreams have been left at the times when we were 20 years old, still incomplete. 

start cherishing every second of your life, start making your hopes and aspirations come true. Live life to the fullest #yolo 

I also came across this post with a title - "Taiwanese woman in the eyes of a foreigner" (eng and chinese inc)
I must say that it's quite true, even though there has been some rage from the Taiwanese internet community. It's really quite controversial in a way but soz I'm not on Taiwan's side for this. I must say he's speaking the blunt truth and he's not extremely bias. Many people were mad and started criticising this guy, saying that he's only been meeting the same types of people (at clubs etc) so he's generalising and what not. In all honesty, if that's what they see, then there's some work that needs to be done to improve our image. Same with any other culture, works both ways. Recently, people in Taiwan have been complaining and criticising the foreigners in Taiwan, saying that they're taking advantage of the Taiwanese chicks in the clubs. True, but what are the chicks doing? Grinding and stripping with them, doing the same thing. Taiwanese chick, sitting with her ass hanging out, on foreigner's lap in the train? People started saying that the foreigner is a dickhead, taking advantage of the Taiwanese chick. WTF she chose to sit on his lap and SHE chose to have her ass hanging out the guy was just awkwardly sitting there. 

Thinking that I could be one of those narrow minded people accusing foreigners for EVERYTHING, just disgusts me. 
And the Taiwanese say, "入境隨俗" aka "when in rome, do as the romans do"
and they come to Australia, and expect the entire community to put up with their behaviour, shielded by the 'it's a cultural thing' excuse.

 I guess it's alright to address the major thing that I find extremely annoying and piss me off (all the time)... 
when people talk on their phones really loudly in public enclosed space (buses, trains, elevators etc)
Don't use "we're asian, we just naturally talk loud! are you being racist here?" I am sick of it. Respect other people in the space and think, if you were in their position, would you like it if someone talks shit loud on their phone and you couldn't even understand the shitload of things they were saying. Oh hey there, do you know you're creating noise pollution, you need to lower your volume or stfu. In fact, let's not just specifically talk about asians, but there are non-asians who do this as well. pls stop.

So when a non asian confronts the noisy asian on the phone, they call it racism. Have they actually noticed that the 'majority' community aren't hypocrites in this case? When I confront the noisy asian, they'd listen and tone down the volume. Someone tell me what's happening here. Foreigners in Taiwan are often targeted in any 'wrongdoings'. Foreigners in Australia often target other people for the other's wrongdoings and when they themselves are targeted for a wrongdoing, they go all "OH MY GAD, RACISMMAWEGLKAJSLKJWA".


oh yeah also... every time I go out in Taiwan. I feel more manly than the guys I see on the street. Maybe I'm on the wrong street, but all hail femininity, please come my way. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's confusing me and my data.  

ya feel me?

formal tmr omg can I sleep at home? 

until then!