Thursday, March 31, 2011


lololol -_-'''''
i need to try harder man

more As pl0x

ghayest thing: bio is on the same day as mando comp therefore my possiblilty of obtaining an award is down to 0. I will have to leave the competition straight after i present, and do something amazingly fun and important to me (Y). WOOT 
btw im going to sleep in on that day XD
sleep sleeeep
more energetic!

coolest thing: hmmmmm, actually finishing the tests!! makes me so happy, eventhough i had to bare with looking at my ghay scores and feeling depressed about it. SO, it is an indication that i need to work hard and contribute and listen in class MORE MORE MORE!

AND most of all, enjoy grade 10!!!!
im so lazy to even talk nows,
talking is unnecessary.


Toddler AMAZING Choreographed Hip Hop Dance Moves - One Republic Apologize

Sunday, March 27, 2011


its sucks 
how i never get a day to feel relaxed and happy.
there HAS to be something that screwed up the day,
and yes, even on weekends.                  -m

It was actually quite cold today,
luckily i didnt wear t-shirt XD
so it was J+B and me.
concentrated for 2hrs trying to make notes on business
god it was so tiring :L
7pages of notes and more key terms to be recorded
then i had a look at physics
and i'm pretty sure im going to fail it
there's nothing i'm so familiar with
cram it on monday night ready for tuesday
but i cant wait till friday,
so good where there's no tests and exams !! TT
ITS FRIDAYFRIDAY, gotta get down on fridayy
that song's so ghay,
srsly, it doesnt even  make sense
no wonder its sung by a 13 year old girl
its annoyingly catchy though.
oh anyway, then i did some kumon
FINALLY, i actually bothered doing kumon
i couldnt find the time to do it
and right now, i'm suppose to be finishing my psychology
but i'm procrastinating again
i want to watch green hornets and black swan RIGHT NOW
SIGH, i can see the DVD smiling at me, and waving to me enthusiastically

this morning (1am) i finished watching MOTHER
its this jap drama, so sad
its like similar to ONE LITRE OF TEARS
not the plot, but the effects on people.
makes you want to cry!
especially the last few episodes
but one litre of tears is worse,
hm, but mother is sad too....when the small girl cries, it just makes you want to cry too,
she's so good at acting! like when her tears start to drop, you're starts to drop too..

i swear im not watching that again,
unless if im in a bad mood..


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lets study

now everyone is mostly finished with their exams
but no, not QA, just not QA
got 4 weeks till holidays!!

soo, we've finished our physics prac~ ((yay
BUT thats not it, we have to finish the prac write up. = = +
its so weird.
pendulum formula and the variables and shxt

we got our maths exams back today,
it was 'too easy' for our grade LOL
most people got As
so, we have another maths exam on friday now..
a more difficult one.
thats not fair, mr baker even said that we should email the maths department LOLOLOLL
i REALLY dont want to do another maths test
english on thursday, mando on thursday again, and biology
....cant wait to get over those stupid subjects XD
our chem was postponed.
we were suppose to do it today, but no..
the teacher was away and the subs teacher didnt know.
now its tmr,
and i have p exam
fmlfml :D

mr olding is my examiner~
i'm going to have a cry now~
super experienced examiner~
he's in his eighties D:
i need to somehow impress him

oh i need to do my physics
maybe i'll bring my tablet to exams
and then do my prac on the car
and then do eng when i get home,
and study for bio
and a bit of mando

today's mando exam SUCKED
cause its all in simplified
mr l said he would make a traditional chinese copy of the test
NOW 1/2 of the class is disadvantaged :\
so gay, i cant even read some, they're all so random
he's like
"i said i was making a traditional chinese copy, but i FORGOT, so if you dont know how to read it, ask me"
so i asked him
and he got pissed
what a rawrtard
simplified chinese is ugly, no offence, but i can not comprehend it at all :\

i am studying hardcore for my exam tmr~
trying to remember all the musical styles..and composers, analysis for pieces..

loving my sleep pattern ((sarcasm
i havnt got 7 hours of sleep each night ever since last week...
this is what pre-ib does to you
imagine the real ib
maybe i just shouldnt procrastinate.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

this is shit

i'm in deep shit
i don't feel like even talking much
i just want a long hug from someone

24hrs is really not enough for what i need to do..
might as well as not sleep at all and practice 2350293 times
srsly i fee like i should consider to force myself to stay awake for 24hours straight

and the medicine im taking is making everything worse
i feel tired and sick
i knows its the side effects
but i wont stop taking it
because i trust the doctor.
he prescribed me legal drug, not those stuff that can ruin someone's life,
its just difficult for your body to function the way it is suppose to be.
i can feel its affecting my brain, i cant remember things as well as i could
i have major mood swings..its so stupid...
my back is always sore and i cant even stretch properly
this is retarded :@
if i were to tell you what i am taking nearly everyday..
you would google the medicine and you will be freaked out by all those side effects and past history of patients intaking the drug
its ruining everything
i feel so shit.
I think i'm going through temporary depression
i hope not.
everyone has an expectation for me
its so stressful...but i cant give up, 
because then the drug will take over my life instead least for 8months 


already did :D
i feel shit, a lot of shit, a lot a lot a lot a lot of shit

Friday, March 18, 2011

so, this is my "life" now

I'm not complaining
I'm not complainig...
i'm not complaining...
i'm not complaining....



(stalking is prohibited)

colour code:
pinkish red- exam
yellow - tutoring st00f
green - 'event'


[2011/3/18] [fri]
Thank God,
It's finally friday,
i'll have more time to study now :D:D

hwk for tonight: SSP, piano

I didnt procrastinate as much
but i went on msn
i am on msn now in fact
because i need to send stuff for my friend
so we can get our assignment done
and i need to get it back again, decorated and compiled
and then
and then
log off

FACEBOOK !! i miss facebook
i need to writing is so bad,
its like......writing...alien, cause i cant remember
and chem, i need to practice the..chemical balancing equations,
6 types, ><|||| single replacement, double replacement, combustion and shit
and how to do them
biology exam
thursday night i will do you
it will be fun

i feel so dead and lifeless without
funfun i cant wait to play it XD
it will be such a joy that i might die of excitement <wtf
but no,
the end date might be postponed.
to 30th of march
after psyc exam :D
and most,
but physics is just insane..
i only learnt propagation from somebody else,
and uncertainty
^actually explained in detailed and PROPERLY
so overwhelming

i need to study and do my homework now.

and today, since there were b.i.o practise, so i caught the bus at like 4:40 from toowong
and you know what, 
the bus driver was like..."it takes about an hour to get to the city, so you can get off the next stop and catch a train instead if you want to"
and so, nearly everyone got off the bus
and everyone was confused.
because not much people knew where the station was
jessica and i, we just followed this couple, and the crowd
attempting to find the toowong train station
dude the train was pree fast,
but its just the walking from Central to elizabeth street is just TOO LONG
so tired after all those walking
with hundreds of people walking on edward street and stuf
everywhere in city
srsly, it was HARD to avoid people's handbags and shoulders
i swear i hate walking that far,
i'm taking the 1 hour bus next time :L
at least i can sit

anyway, first time train-ing in brisbane :)

i need to study.....zzzzz
going to sleep a bit earlier today
for a brighter tomorrow!
i need to get 8and 1/2 hrs of sleep tonight!!
for the past 3-4 days, ive been only getting 5 to 6and 1/2 of sleep
withou distractions
but honestly i bet the food that is in my fridge is luring me away from my work
i get thirsty i want a drink
i feel a bit hungry i want to eat

imma get more sleep tonight, how about a 10 hr power sleep!!
oooo, sounds gooood :P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Be Asian


that's right, i have officially banned myself from facebook and msn
AHH 1 minute has passed,
it feels pree good :]
so, lets count down....
2011/3/15 ~ 2011/3/24
9days to go!!!

1. and  why?
because i need to hardcore study like smartass asians
i've been procrastinating for the last....few weeks
and i need to GET PHYSICAL,
lol jokes, GET SMART

2. how much work do you even have?
I have, work....ahahahaha 
i know its not stressful until IB really starts
but atm, i need to be stressed, so i can get some work done,
  • biology assignment due 18th march
  • physics assignment due 22nd march
  • english assignment on 21st march
  • maths exam on 17th march
  • chemistry exam on 22nd march
  • mandarin exam(1) on 22nd march
  • piano exam on 23rd march
  • mandarin exam(2) on 24th march
  • biology exam on 24th march
within two weeks from today...^

  • PHYSICS EXAM on 5th april

                   ^leave the hardest exam to the very end.(a week after those on top)

b.t.w, wtf is uncertainty, i still dont understand how to do it  %@#%@(*#(%
it's confusing me,

HUHUHUH TT tears of depression,
LOLOLOLOLOL i cant wait till holidays ~ :D

3. you dont have a life..
OH YES I DO, i have my breakfast, lunch and dinner, and i sleeeep for 7hours!
i swear i do, not like those people who sleep for 5 hours or 3 hours,
and you know what? i found time to procrastinate even though i was under those invisible loads of work!
i only just noticed i had so much to do,
i'm so slow..

therefore, i will restrict myself from any type of socialising network and become a loner studying in the corner of  the room..

4. how are you going to study?
umm,read and copy everything? derrrrrrr. and make myself sleep talk at night .... "so....Saprotroph is an organism that lives on or in nonliving organic matter, secreting digestive enzymes into it and absorbing the products of digestion....." 
and mumble mumble....zzzzzz
sleep with my notes, shower with my notes, eat with my notes, socialize with my notes, walk with my notes and lastly.....have xxx with my notes JK.

5. .............
okay....i need to go study now.....

please Do comment
anonymously if you done have a blogger account :)
 include your name too !!  I'll have the time to reply (no facebook distractions) XD

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pray for them

Pray for those who are experiencing hardship..
God will protect you :)

yhus all have seen my FML SERIES?
I hate mondays :D

holey krap man, got some logarithms to do, they're so ghay :@
It was preetty funny at kumon..
joking around and getting side tracked every 2 minutes 

Bring it on auditions. + cross country
Went to school super duper earlier than usual, got to school at 8
and you know what?
my friend came,
So i was like...FML, awkward disabled (not a very suitable day for her to come)
Oh dayum, and cross country after lunch, it was quite boring actually, 
we ran...stairs LOL
wtf special X country :L
funny things
then afterschool we do the actual audition that we practiced since 8.
we were given two chances to do the same routine, 
i had a massive mind blank the first time,
lucky second time i remembered it all 

ahh crap
today my legs hurt so much,
its so sore cause i'm a fat lazy ass that never exercises ever since my PRE ib life started.
farr out im so unfit :L
even though everyday we have to walk to school and walk back to bus stop.
wtf is this.
soo disabled TT

AH fxck my memory..
still disabled.


Monday, March 7, 2011

[Dedi#1] - FML SERIES

Dedi for those who can FEEEEL the shit

for those who are desperate for someone to rape their lives.

Dedi for those who are screwed for work and want someone to rape their life.

dedi for those who are pissed at people who think they're so superior.fxck your life.

dedi for those who are just generally pissed off.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


[2011.3.5] - D R U G

D ont 
R  uin
  oU r.........
G ame

^L A M E


I remember those days when :

..nature was my best friend
..I thought the grass was better than carpet
..I thought those wallabies were approachable
...I cried because I missed my favourite anime because the rest of the family decided to KTV

... I believed that I would suicide,
...I stupidly planned how to do so, and never ended up bothering to

This isn't a very pretty post on blog,
I dont think anyone would bother reading it all :L
seriously,, HEHEHE

so i wont bother.
because after every story i've told,
I become emotional,
especially after the stories that once pissed me off, or offended me a lot... or those mistakes..
and poo






and ..

poo :))

with poo

you lose the balance
you cant balance something without two sides
one side wont balance anything

- I miss her
and them

maybe i'm just too tired XD
i miss him too
I wish he was here with me,
but he's gone now

chrischrischris so cute ♥
baby i lovee youuu

Thursday, March 3, 2011


[2011.3.3] - T E T R I S

Yhu know what,
so close to getting addicted to Tetris
Last Night,
for the first time ever since school started,
I had the time and mood to just chill out.
On a weekday.
I'm pretty sure yhus all envy my night ayeee.

That was last night.

So glad the clouds came out, it wasn't as hot as before, THANK GOD!
I hate the mornings when the sun shone brightly..
and poor little QA kids have to walk from the BBC bus stop...
cross the road, across the park, cross the road, across the oval and climb a hill just to get to school.

And thats how I turned blacker :@
I swear, the sun at toowong really kills, it like burns through your skin as you walk in the sun.
It's not even funny anymore,
So our dailey exercise was to run from one shade to another, to school, and back to busstop.
what is this?

i lost my pencil case fml
Lovely, now i have to ....find another pen.......

first lesson;

okay.i'm going to stop now
LOL see, i even cbf finishing my blog ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011