Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Be Asian


that's right, i have officially banned myself from facebook and msn
AHH 1 minute has passed,
it feels pree good :]
so, lets count down....
2011/3/15 ~ 2011/3/24
9days to go!!!

1. and  why?
because i need to hardcore study like smartass asians
i've been procrastinating for the last....few weeks
and i need to GET PHYSICAL,
lol jokes, GET SMART

2. how much work do you even have?
I have, work....ahahahaha 
i know its not stressful until IB really starts
but atm, i need to be stressed, so i can get some work done,
  • biology assignment due 18th march
  • physics assignment due 22nd march
  • english assignment on 21st march
  • maths exam on 17th march
  • chemistry exam on 22nd march
  • mandarin exam(1) on 22nd march
  • piano exam on 23rd march
  • mandarin exam(2) on 24th march
  • biology exam on 24th march
within two weeks from today...^

  • PHYSICS EXAM on 5th april

                   ^leave the hardest exam to the very end.(a week after those on top)

b.t.w, wtf is uncertainty, i still dont understand how to do it  %@#%@(*#(%
it's confusing me,

HUHUHUH TT tears of depression,
LOLOLOLOLOL i cant wait till holidays ~ :D

3. you dont have a life..
OH YES I DO, i have my breakfast, lunch and dinner, and i sleeeep for 7hours!
i swear i do, not like those people who sleep for 5 hours or 3 hours,
and you know what? i found time to procrastinate even though i was under those invisible loads of work!
i only just noticed i had so much to do, like....today?
i'm so slow..

therefore, i will restrict myself from any type of socialising network and become a loner studying in the corner of  the room..

4. how are you going to study?
umm,read and copy everything? derrrrrrr. and make myself sleep talk at night .... "so....Saprotroph is an organism that lives on or in nonliving organic matter, secreting digestive enzymes into it and absorbing the products of digestion....." 
and mumble mumble....zzzzzz
sleep with my notes, shower with my notes, eat with my notes, socialize with my notes, walk with my notes and lastly.....have xxx with my notes JK.

5. .............
okay....i need to go study now.....

please Do comment
anonymously if you done have a blogger account :)
 include your name too !!  I'll have the time to reply (no facebook distractions) XD