Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lets study

now everyone is mostly finished with their exams
but no, not QA, just not QA
got 4 weeks till holidays!!

soo, we've finished our physics prac~ ((yay
BUT thats not it, we have to finish the prac write up. = = +
its so weird.
pendulum formula and the variables and shxt

we got our maths exams back today,
it was 'too easy' for our grade LOL
most people got As
so, we have another maths exam on friday now..
a more difficult one.
thats not fair, mr baker even said that we should email the maths department LOLOLOLL
i REALLY dont want to do another maths test
english on thursday, mando on thursday again, and biology
....cant wait to get over those stupid subjects XD
our chem was postponed.
we were suppose to do it today, but no..
the teacher was away and the subs teacher didnt know.
now its tmr,
and i have p exam
fmlfml :D

mr olding is my examiner~
i'm going to have a cry now~
super experienced examiner~
he's in his eighties D:
i need to somehow impress him

oh i need to do my physics
maybe i'll bring my tablet to exams
and then do my prac on the car
and then do eng when i get home,
and study for bio
and a bit of mando

today's mando exam SUCKED
cause its all in simplified
mr l said he would make a traditional chinese copy of the test
NOW 1/2 of the class is disadvantaged :\
so gay, i cant even read some, they're all so random
he's like
"i said i was making a traditional chinese copy, but i FORGOT, so if you dont know how to read it, ask me"
so i asked him
and he got pissed
what a rawrtard
simplified chinese is ugly, no offence, but i can not comprehend it at all :\

i am studying hardcore for my exam tmr~
trying to remember all the musical styles..and composers, analysis for pieces..

loving my sleep pattern ((sarcasm
i havnt got 7 hours of sleep each night ever since last week...
this is what pre-ib does to you
imagine the real ib
maybe i just shouldnt procrastinate.