Thursday, August 16, 2012

can't do science what so ever, why am i even at smt LOL
just guessed for icas science keke
worse when you don't do chem or bio and you just sit there in icas science and pray that you'll miraculously understand what the heck they're about.
why is our grade such a troll (in comparison with the other grades)

today was just terrible (and funny/stupid/idiotic)
first off,
I couldn't find my darn go card, swore it was on the table the night before, then I flipped the table, the bed sheets, the pile of scrap paper, books etcetc. STILL CAN'T FIND. Then I opened the bin and dug in, AND FOUND IT.
was walking up from the locker, and thought that I've forgotten something.. look back and see my keys(+ house keys) hanging off the lock.
in physics and looking for my pencil case. spazzed out and asked to go to the 'toilet' in the middle of the class, and jogged around to instep classroom went and looked for the pencil case. Came back to class and continued to spaz and worry. 3:00pm start of maggie's scavenger hunt around the school. Went to lockers again hopefully finding it in there. Goes back, sees keys in lock AGAIN. with pencil case in locker.

never going to lock locker again
i joke

speaking of icas,
for australian mathematics competition...
one of those number questions at the end,
as usual
i had no idea how to do them,
so for one of it..i wrote 069
apparently that IS the answer, fingers crossed HAHHAHA

and for icas maths that we did on tuesday,
i guessed almost all of them :L
since our substitute teacher had no idea that we have an exam...
so we wasted 15mins of class time..
just guessed the rest and went to bio prac at lunch.