Sunday, August 12, 2012

eventful day

first few lucky times to get out of the house on a Saturday to meet with friends 

played hide and seek and found me (eventually) after 10 minutes of texting 
friend: where are you?
me: sitting on a chair

was just casually passing southbank swimming pool area where there's always performances and shows etc.. 
we were like standing behind him and his dog, he was facing the audience)

it was hilarious and awkward that time when:
* his shirt says 幹 我怕老婆 (translation: fuck, I'm scared of my wife)
* he took off his shirt (I turned my head, didn't want to see an old man's back :L)
* he turned around and looked at me (my friend said), and did the crotch floss 

friend: he's looking at you..
me: no he's looking at... you (still half hiding behind the friend)
friend: seriously, he is ...

fml out of so many people, WHY. 

anyway, it was nice meeting new friends 
derping around dancing to gangnam style at train station
not much things I'm allowed to talk about but lol eventful day (Y)