Sunday, August 5, 2012

step up revolution

^ not my usual layout but minimized to show my 'productive' day 
I improved please don't bash Q___Q

woke up earlier today to do some maths/physics IA
ended up finishing neither of them. ohemgee

Instead, I crammed the paper 1 homework (that was given out 2 weeks ago and we had 3 class lessons to do)
What did I do in those three lessons?
- watched anime
- online shopping
- playing bejeweled
- surfing on visoshare (not blocked at school <3)
- 9panel manga reading (not blocked either <3)

So I crammed dem 2 x paper 1 question making and answers in one was so darn hard answering my own questions and in the end...i just end up saying..accept any answers relating to..etcetc LOL

Finished TOK first and had like the greatest mind loop explosion while writing the journal Orz
Don't normally have these loops and thinking cycle [RARE] but on maths, it's like there's so much to say and complain about KEKE

cramp day: le me 

fuuuuuuuu body and arm looks pretty retarded

Mr Gooch, our DT teacher was telling us about his back injury that affected his walking posture etcetc
He looked really concerned and the class were pretty quiet, could tell that some people were happy knowing that he would be in the hospital for 1 month (which means we'll get substitute :\) and that our IA is pushed back till exam block.

step up 4 is out weeeeeee,
gotta admit that our my addiction or REALISATION/FASCINATION to the beauty and EJTLKEWJT of woman toned abs (not bulky 6-8 pack)....
inspiration: Natalie from step up 3
Her body is the bomb
look at dem toned abs & arms
still need to work a bit harder

anyway, looking forward to watch step up revolution :D