Saturday, August 4, 2012

so many 'blogable' things but I cbf lool

had like 12hr+ sleep last night and now I'm still tired as fock. probs dehydrated or something -grabs out 3 litre icetea- so then my maths ia was pushed back like 4 hours (eating, watching 大學生了沒, getting sleepy x125921 times and watching a full 1hr and 30 minute movie)
what have I done to my weekend?
one day wasted
still tired,
wouldn't mind going for another nap but then i'll get nothing done Q__Q

must listen to three days grace to keep me alive
not even something that I enjoy listening to but the drum beats will do
dont know why but most of them sound like the songs you'll put in the background for a gaming pvp/boss fight video or something -facepalm-

nevermind, bad apple works better
instantly opens eyes

why are my blog posts so lame
probably because I forget most things that I wanted to blog about...or that I get tired and can't be bothered blogging about it....