Saturday, August 11, 2012

non fiction

I suddenly woke up and were about to go back to sleep, thinking that the 'friends' that came to our house would be gone by now. The voices were getting louder and stepmum was screaming on the top of her lungs, it was the first time I heard her scream (not yell, but almost higher than a justin bieber fan at a just bieber concert). 

"This is my house, don't do this at MY house"
"stop it la, GUYS! break it up"

Dad was yelling, but not as loud as when he screamed and legit 'roared' at me 1 month ago. The time when the 'family'  began to reveal its real form. 

"Break it up. Talk this through"

"bullshit talking to a drunkas focktard won't make any difference" I thought, as I'm lying in bed, mourning over the fact that I'll probs look like a dead fish TODAY, and I won't even be able to hide from people like any other Saturdays.

Stepmum's voice gradually became louder and higher, she could almost shatter glass at the pitch she was screaming at, I couldn't hear anything from the 'friends' that came. It must be happening outside? If not, it's happening near my piano, near the television, near the dining table, near the exact same place that I was told that I'm useless and selfish, irresponsible and every negative characteristic a person can hve. If they focking do something to my parents, I wouldn't hesitate to call the police. 

Using nearby objects to attack, wimp
real people fight with fist, not armed focking game

Let's refer to friend 1 as the canto friend (not being racist, but the language matters), known to be the guy that is verbally ruthless and foulmouthed.
friend 2 is the taiwanese, the guy that ..not only once, but n times, have fought at KTVs and so on (n>3)

I pity my neighbours, why do they have to put up with the shit. Why did my parents even put up with it? Bstards coming into someone else's territory to play dirty fights.

"I was so scared when he held that wine bottle and tried to hit you, my husband was close too... I can't imagine what would happen if he swung that bottle, I would have to call the ambulance, wouldn't I?"


The other took a piece of broken glass and tried to cut him.

Say, if the same thing happened, and I was the one there, looking at my husband standing in front of one guy,  facing a crazy drunk fag who swears in 24 languages (drunk or sober). I'd snap and not plead them to stop fighting at my house. I mean, are you kidding me. Do you know who is the boss here? 

Woman's tears in a man's fight (not because of woman) is unnecessary and will not even make the situation better. Either don't make any sound or unleash that fury and dominance within

This would probably happen (if i was in her position)
"XXX, XXX, 你們兩個現在給我停手。 搞懂了沒,你把我家當公共場所打人,阿你是殺小"
"put that fckng thing down. MAN UP AND BREAK IT UP BITCHES" 
note: not direct translation, but things do sound better and carry information more efficiently in mando sometimes...

Yup, I wouldn't sound like I was about to cry and loose control of myself. Once you lower yourself down, they will be the ones thinking that they are in charge now. Four adults are still alive, I guess the bottle, and many other objects missed and smashed right onto the floor. Bitches know that the canto friend can't aim when he's drunk. 

Back to the story,
I assume that they held back a bit more and the screams went spoke with the canto guy and tell him to talk this through instead of using violence. Of course this drunk ass bstard didn't budge, he just kept swearing, all those diu lei lo mo, gan ni ma, etc were spoken in an intimidating voice. Obviously trying to get the taiwanese guy started again. I do believe that the taiwanese guy started it first, then the canto guy probably thought, "you know what, you're a piece of shit and I'm going to fck you up too, but with objects that are not mine but my boss's"

and again, to emphasize on the stupidity of uncontrolled drunk people. Seen heaps of drunk people, especially in taiwan and you KNOW, they're out to do something bad. Yet there are also those who know that they will fck things  up, and resort themselves by going to sleep or leaving the event venue. Smart thinking.  programming, your parent's have done the right thing.

bitch be crying, after 15 mins of trying to tell the canto guy to calm down. He said he was going to walk home.
Hang on, this drunk ass fcktard walking home? In the end, he probably drove home. He was injured in the eye.
"my eyes? ok la, i can see forward, but not above or below"
"you're not walking home, with that bruise around your eye"

Still not too sure of what the taiwanese guy got from him, probs few punches and what not. Guess they're just some scratches to him anyway. He didn't swear, didn't show any other aggressive behaviour and didn't try to take up the fight with the canto guy. After all the help from our family, including my grandparents, have given him, he knew his place....after a few more punches.

I've known the taiwanese guy ever since I came to Aus, I've heard of stories about his fights and family problems. Those aren't his natural behaviours, those were characteristics shaped by the experience that he had. He is a good person, but doesn't tolerate bullshit, and fights back with the same, low form of 'revenge'. I've only known the canto guy for a bit over 1 year, he's arrogant, fights with words, tries to buff himself with those 'taunting' words. Definitely not a good worker combination. 

"you can't smoke inside, come clean these things up"
" I will finish this cigarette first, then I'll clean it up"
"no you have to clean up your own mess this instant "

There is something wrong with the canto guy's attitude, did you say no to the host who also pays you for your work. Is he not ashamed of what he has done, what mess he has done do someone else's property? Oh wait,  I forgot. Drunk people like him don't reason. 

"you should be glad that this happened at my house, or else the police would of came"

canto guy left and went home,
dad is talking with the taiwanese guy. 

things spilt were wiped up, broken glasses were picked up, vacuumed over. 

Will I be able to sleep this morning? 
already a bad start to the weekend.

Note: This is not the full description of what happened, as it involves in the business and other issues. If I were to draw a mind map to represent the major events (including ones within the family + aunty +uncle etc ) this will be a damn large mind map. Be surprised by the fact that we do, as cousins, gather together and talk about what happened at each bases (grandparent's house, my house, aunty/uncle's house), we do actually link the events and find connections between each other. We probably know more perspectives than the adults who are involved. I don't even know why I'm blogging about this. But I feel that there needs to be some clarifications on why I revealed my weaker side a while ago. I feel that the adults have failed to keep things away from kids. They should really protect their innocence (youngest group of our cousin meetings is around grade  6), other smaller kids weren't allowed to be involved under some circumstances (defs not trying to bully them, but with legit reasons LOL)

So now yous have some ideas of what my family is like, the truth is... business= family business, family = business BUSINESS.I guess it's really good to appreciate your own family (COUGH especially knowing 3% of someone else's family business -looks at you-). Before we start complaining too much, just know that there are ones out there that are worse.