Saturday, February 2, 2013

23 Hours In Gold Coast

wassssssup creatures of my kind

Just casually going to Gold Coast at this time of the year :\ Should be focusing on the unfinished work all due on Monday, but there's no other time to visit so I'll just have to deal with it. 

Our family friend Aunty Linda came to pick me up at 5pm after school. Had like 20mins to prepare, have shower, pack for the night, charge all electricals LOL We arrived at Marriott at 6:15pm and met up with mum and two bros. Then they started chatting, non stop for about 2 I think back on it....2 hours isn't much time for friends who haven't seen each other for 10+ years. Then finally Max (the elder brother) started to complain about how hungry he is. So I called BENIHANA to make a reservation for 5 at 8:30pm. Tbh my stomach was like storming or something QQ 

Benihana is a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant located on the 3rd floor in Marriott. When we walked in to the waiting area, we heard loud crashing noises and people cheering. LOL CONFUSED TO THE MAX. It sounded as if the kitchen was going on fire @@ 

We were seated 20mins later and found out why there were so much noise..

not sure if I'm here for the food or the show.
He even sprayed salt all over us HAAHHAHA WTF but it was pretty entertaining!

the way he cooks the egg man. 1000/10 swaqq
1. he pours the egg
2. thins out the surface
3. rolls the egg so it looks long and thin
4. cuts the egg 'roll' in small pieces with lighting speed. It was flying across the table to the 'chicken rice' side LOL

HOW COOL IS THAT -shimmering eyes-

then he cooked shrimps and threw the pieces to the guy sitting across to me (wait for the description ;D)
AND he caught all 3 of them, with his mouth, then the chef threw some to the other people etc. This other chef did the same thing too (I guess it's just a tradition or USP). THEN THAT CHEF WAS LIKE MAKING THIS DERP SEAL SOUND + SEAL CLAPPING ACTION AND MAKING FUN OF THE CUSTOMERS FOR CATCHING THEM 

oh gurd ahhahahahahahahha 

I had some steak and many other things (cbf naming them)

say hi to the onion soup :D

Didn't end up finishing everything because the chef gave us more chicken rice QQ AND I also ignored my fat control plan and had more than I should eat.... GUILTY

Took some photos with my brothers lol

Marriott, the place where you find yourself sitting across to a beautiful French gentleman

This gentleman who was sitting across me was EJATLKWEJTLEK-ingly gentlemen-like. It was kind of weird at first. Each table had 8 seats so it's 2 on each short side of the 'rectangle' (great description maggie), and 4 on the long side. The family of three were FRENCH, they spoke in FRENCH, ate like a FRENCH (I'm joking I don't know how they eat) but they were defs high class... BE MY OLDER BROTHER PLIS PLIS PLIS

I've observed
- had both of his hands on the table at all times : he would have his left hand on the table whenever he's eating, not slouching or leaning towards the left. Table manners.
- Only drank water : not soft drinks, alcohol, tea or whatever...but WATER
- had conversation with his parents : most people our age don't really have a proper conversation with their parents at the table, we either ask for things or answer their questions. 
- chew with his mouth closed : self explanatory. 

he just has this european breeze coming from him
it's craycray I know

lol and he caught all 3 shrimps 甘拜下風
It was his dad's bday that day so we sang Happy Birthday to him :D

The dad was pretending to be a conductor when we sang HBD to him XD
French men
the white thing on the table in front of the man in white was the chef's message to him.
It said 'Happy Birthday', written using salt 
(photo blurred)

It was a fun night overall :D

(photo taken in Benihana entrance area)

Aunty Linda and mum talked until 12pm and we all finally went to sleep.
I'm so stupid. I brought the wrong cord for the charged battery thing. I had the battery charged full on the thing, but I can't connect it to my phone QQ because THE CORD DOESNT EVEN FIT IN THE HOLE ON MY PHONE -CRIES- So I lived with 13% battery since 11pm. Closed my phone for the night. Opened it the next day and lived the day with 10% battery. By the time I got home, I was at 3% QQ

We woke up at 9am this morning.
Mum and Aunty Linda went to auction at that time and came back with good news woot. 
While they were away, I called for room service to have breakfast.
I did something not exactly legal again
They came and bought the food to us and I thought she was just going to leave etc. But she asked me to sign the receipt. k kool 
my OS: shit balls I didn't sign up for this.
- forges signature -
- doesn't even remember mum's signature - 
meh apparently it roughly looked the same ( max's opinion )

anyway, we had a nice lunch
I ate practically all of the bacon
too good
max thought it was too salty that's why >:D

Spencer doesn't even eat breakfast.

Then we went down to the swimming pool since they wanted to go swimming. Gurd it was hot as fuuu, the sun was piercing hot. Shade ftw. 
The place has this salt water area and pool area. Apparently you can see tropical fish in the salt water area *___* I'd totes go and have a look if I could :c

perfect timing max

Didn't bring my phone down to the pool because I know it'll run out of battery if I use it more :(
iphone belongs to mum so I took pictures of the pictures before I returned it to her.

I lied on one of the chairs for sunbaking or whatever, but I was shifting in the shade every 10mins because on the sun QQ There were 2 young-middle aged men chatting. They were from Sydney and they're cousins (assuming that because the round one kept saying 'cuz'). To something a bit more interesting....

round guy: Girls are attracted to you
other guy: that's not true
round guy: I'm serious cuz, girls like you because you look good, you dress good and you are a good man.
other guy: nonono
round guy: They like you because you're gay
round guy: because you're gay, the girls are attracted to you, they want to be with you

-pulls back to 'reality'- wait what? I don't understand this logic. But looking at Neil Harris.. hmmmmmmm 
I peaked at them but thought the other guy looked normal but who knows.
he might look exceptionally classy in suits. 
who knows

Didn't mean to eavesdrop, they were speaking so loud and I couldn't listen to music (no phone, no earphones)

We went to the lounge bar at 12pm ish
Mum and Aunty linda arrived back at the hotel and were chatting etc. I ordered this tropical something drink.  couldn't even remember :c

Mum and Aunty Linda ordered cocktails
instagram this shiz
-doesn't have instagram-

derp I have a funny pinky in this photo 
my attempt at doing the 牙痛pose*
I should of just covered my whole face lol
too many pimples recently because of the pills and late nights QQ

*牙痛pose: the toothache pose, to 'skinnify' round face. Commonly used by my mother 

So mum bought a piece of land in Gold Coast. Now she's trying to convince me to attend uni at GC ....  because they (and possibly me) will be living at GC after the house is built 

-deep sigh-
