Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My holidays ( so far )

consists of 
  • exploring to the weird side of youtube and finding myself stuck there for a few hours
  • playing on oceania alone, quite boring but whatever
  • playing dragon nest 
    • and crossing my toes and fingers that my +10 enhancement won't fail and my item won't get destroyed AND if it failed and I lost the item, I'd sit there and reflect on the decision I made a few seconds ago. Yes I did invest a lot of time and money into enhancing my armour and weapons (so my char doesn't end up like my c9 assassin that is dealing less damage and taking more than it needs to).
    • playing hard out for 3 days only getting up to level 26 and realising that I should of gone screamer because it looks way better than dancer so I 
    • started another character and got it up to level 15 or 16 and finished the specialisation quest to make myself a screamer (lol) in 4 hours
There goes a week and a bit of my holidays where I could of been revising or learning an entire course of a subject. I only went out once this holiday, aside from family gatherings, so I've basically switched on the "minimal physical human interaction" mode and I guess that's just my way of winding down and taking a good solid rest. I was actually really proud of myself for waking up at 9am today :D because normally I'd wake up at 11am and fall back asleep and actually GET UP at 1pm. So badass. LOL just kidding I bet many of you out there probably don't even sleep. #whatissleep

Whenever I get sick of gaming, I just resort to videos and I'm sure that's the easiest time wasting cycle to get into. Then again, I'd open blogspot and type a sentence and end up closing it because I honestly have no idea what I should write about. Well, I haven't played dragon nest for 2 days and not planning to play for the rest of the holidays. So that gives me more time to actively blog for the rest of the holidays woohoo. 

The only outing was around last tuesday I believe. Vic and I went to Newway at 11am and left at 5pm HAHAHHHA goodness sake I love this place. M u d d a t r u c k i n g twenty two dollars eighty/sixty from 11am to 7pm on weekday with meal and drink. I think the front desk knows us already HHAAHHHAHAHA

The other recent outing (meaning that I physically left the house) was on saturday. We had a family gathering at 2nd aunty and uncle's new house. It's nice and cosy there but couldn't do anything because cousins had a fight the day before and were banned from 3C, aka electronics, for a few days. So we ended up playing cards for an hour or so. I thought I was half dec at big 2 but nonono I was wrong. The win rate is quite even between us 3. I always thought a full house could beat a straight but nonono they said it doesn't work like that and it does make the game more challenging and 'fun' in a sense because I've played with ridiculous AND rigged big 2 rules before. For e.g. I could put down 3 cards and call it a mini straight like what the fukery is that? or have 5 cards with 2 pair and a random card. I had a dragon but we didn't play hk style so in the end I had to break it and hope for someone to put down a straight fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Eventually, we got bored and started watching tv. Even though they were banned from electronics but since the whole family was there, they were allowed to watch the television with us. They had internet television and we looked at the movies that were available for us to watch. We chose the horror genre and just yoloed it and picked a random movie. Googled it and read the rough story line and here's how it goes (I can't remember the name of the movie): asteroid rained on the place where they were settling at and the place began to shut down and they trying to find those masks to breath. They grabbed some torches and walked around the shuttle or something and it was dark, creepy and awkward. Yes you hear me, awkward. Then we stopped watching because it was so boring and not horrifying at all but the story line was along the lines of one of the woman getting scratched and ending up pregnant with an alien/human baby and gave birth to it. Then it starts to eat people. Another guy all throughout the time was actually a clone. It really wasn't worth the time. 2/10. Two points for the lego looking bird eye view of the settlement area. Lego was my childhood. 

The next movie we watched, a bit of, was "The purge". I personally loved the movie's setting because so realistic yet not realistic ENOUGH. I'd totally finish this movie if we had the time. Rough outline, the movie is set in 2022 in America ( 9 years later ), where there's 12 hours where crimes convicted are not 'crimes' and you won't get in trouble, charged or what not. This happens each year and aims to reduce the population size and increase employment rate, now that's the part where it's taking realism out of the story but whatever it's a movie (maybe I shouldn't say this because anything is possible). Murdering is legal. Police, hospitals etc are not allowed to interfere so if you get stabbed don't expect the hospital to be able to take you in because they're probably off killing someone they hate or getting killed by their haters. If that sounds interesting enough for you to want to know more about it, I suggest you to watch the trailer and read some reviews etc because I don't want to spoil too much of the story. 

Oh and terribly sad that stanley and toyz left TPA. It was kind of expected because westdoor* did say that they had some disagreements within the team in terms of play style, prof champion pool etc. Westdoor also said that mistake was 'kicked' to TPS because bebe didn't like his support style. Toyz didn't like his leadership style. Bla Bla Bla. Not sure if it's true because westdoor is known to be a cocky player but everyone knows that he's tight with TPA members. Anyway, I'll miss both of them but I'll still root for TPA because bebe is still in it HHAHHAHAHA 

*westdoor aka 西門夜說: plays mid for ahq, top tier player. Been dominating in ranks and #1 on Taiwan server for quite a long period of time (not sure about now but still high up there). Best known for his TF, highest win rate I believe. 

While I was playing on my lvl 8 account on oceania, I encountered this mundo.
-mundo pings-
mundo: ashe go mid
ashe: why
mundo: because you are ranged
did I just read what I just read 

but our mid was doing so well like wtf there's no need for new meta this round my friend. I can't even. 
ashe: do you even league
mundo: yes I do, now go mid

trying to be a non-toxic player, I went mid and duo with our mid who was nice and let me share the exp. meanwhile in bot, mundo all alone can't even do sht and we lost that turret. Went back on tw and found myself with 350ping like WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT (that was my actual reaction not even kidding).

Slowly adjusting back to the normal life.

until then!