Friday, August 16, 2013

better get better + rant

I don't always get sick, but when I do, I use up a tissue box a day.

Even my gp told me that I've rarely been sick and even better, it's the week before mocks and I'm dying to buy some time to study more. At this rate, I'll be on my bed throughout the weekend and just letting my body fight off this stupid virus. This one is pretty dangerous I have to say, like my whole forehead down to the center of the face super tensed like someone's been tightening wukong's ring. Still went to school today anyway because I don't want to miss out on maths and mando and I need to buy some stationary but realised that it's gotten even worse so I got a sick leave and went home to sleep. Anyway I had 5 hours of sleep this afternoon that consists of sweating, waking up, change blanket, too cold, more blanket, too hot, sweating, wakes up again x100000


Change the topic
I feel like there are too many "researchers" out there who shouldn't be allowed to be human at all. Not even sorry to say this. It's so heartbreaking to know that people don't even feel ashamed when announcing that they're going to use 14 beagles for an experiment next week for "research" on rabies. This is so ridiculous and it makes me even more, dislike the type of community, species, we're turning into today. I, myself, don't know what to do to change or prevent such downfall in the society's moral principles AND this is why it frustrates me and it makes me feel darn helpless. I mean, if I'm here blogging, it means I am potentially able to do something, but I'm not, because I don't know how to. That frustrates me a lot.

Anyway, yeah rabies have been spreading in Taiwan and a people have died and everyone's paranoid about it. The so called "council of agriculture, executive yuan" are the ones who decided to do this. The want to test if ferret badger with rabies, will spread the fatal disease around to other animals and eventually humans. They're way too simple minded, even though it's a win/win plan for them. At last, if the beagles don't die from it, then they'll proclaim that the experiment was useful and so animal testing should be brought back to practice to better benefit the filthy mankind. On the other hand, if the beagles were to die, then they'll be saying, "oh the death of the beagles have given us more information on rabies and so we should thank them for their death because they've selflessly suffered and died for us". How pathetic can those people get?  Professor from National Taiwan University and I'm sure, everyone else, knows that rabies spread around all warm blooded animals, so there are no need to further sacrifice those beagles or use any kind of animal experimentation. As absurd as it sounds, the animal society of Taiwan said that animal experimentation is necessary for vaccination research and what not. Then again, lab rats are used so often and we rarely sympathize for them. Damn my emotions might have wiped out my ability to reason....