Thursday, August 1, 2013


It's so hard not to put off work.
I'm so asdlkfjasdlgkja nervous for mocks that's coming in two weeks.
My term 1 and term 2 holidays summarised:

Just found it on my timeline so I linked it here :L

Anyway, I think my thoughts are easily influenced (in general), regardless of the fact that I'm opinionated in things I'm interested in or subjects where I can/will need to unleash my inner unchangeable moral standards. Yeah, just in general, day to day basis questions and decisions are actually quite hard. I mean, I'm not even 100% sure of what I want to fill in on qtac or ___? I know what I want to do, for now, but I'm not sure if it's really the thing I will want to do in the future. I don't want to look back and be like, "damn I wish I chose ____".

I wasn't planning to go back to Taiwan this year but Julie (thanks heaps now you have to hang out with me or I'll blame you for my 2 weeks of inactive lifestyle, lying around at home 24/7 watching Taiwanese TV and playing on tw server) convinced me to go back to Taiwan anyway, at least for 1 week or so. I thought about it and reevaluated the chance of me doing something productive in the space of two weeks after graduation. Then I came to the conclusion of... "why not, I get to be a social outcast in Taiwan and that's cooooooool". Of course, as our family likes to do things efficiently... the ticket is now booked and I'm going back to Taiwan this year. Arh speaking of how Julie is so good at persuading me to do something... I must mention this omg in case I forget in the future. She was the one that persuaded me to try for qa, she spent weeks nagging Melissa and I about how the facilities are awesome (redeemer had fans but 80% of them were broken) and we get laptops. Yep. fml. But I met really awesome people, did many awesome things and were taught by top notch teachers so no regrets hashtag yolo.