Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Still writing a post, or two, three, four, five, six....twenty

Just a random post passing through lolololol I'm still working on a post and I can't finish it off while keeping it informative to a certain extent (like not just me spazzing out). Anyway, I guess I'll be able to finish that post tomorrow? Or not? I've made a lot of promises in the past to blog about certain events but I never did. Yes, yes I feel guilty about it. It's just there sitting there, half completed...

Two of the drafts are actually posts that are about the same length as the "study" post but with pictures BUT I'm just not satisfied with it because it's incomplete and awkward :(
Some posts, of which I spent around 2 hours or more thinking and typing about it, are still yet to be posted. I actually dislike this omg  the duration of the urge to write and blog about life events are not even long enough for me to actually finish the post. That's how sad it is. Dammit.

Whilst I was writing "confessions of a design technology student, I was actually 1/3 way through but I totally broke out of the zone because it was dinner time. Now I can't get back into it and finish the post AFLKJSDLKG

Anyway I'm glad that mocks are over for me :D