Sunday, August 4, 2013

confession: posture

Recently, I've been extremely paranoid about developing scoliosis.

Most people who use laptops/computers etc from a day to day basis, are said to have minor scoliosis (just less than 20 degrees to one side). The age group which is most at risk of developing such horrid condition is.... -drum rolls- teeeeeeenagers. Woohoo! Well actually, we're just more likely to get it because it worsens at an exponential rate. Females are 9 times more at risk than males but that doesn't mean there's 0% for ya'll male readers. So if you have shit posture (haha yeah that's me), when you're fully developed and grown into an adult, you would have sore back and hip, constant pins and needles due to nerve problems, internal organs being pressured and squashed awkwardly together causing it not being able to function probably and most of all, it'd look abnormal and weird.

I've seen some wedding photos turning out to be bleh because the bride has a hunched back. Like they can't even straighten up anymore. Why not start straightening backs before we're stuck there for the rest of our lives. Ok maybe you could have surgery done but um no thanks too much $$ and time.

I still get scolded if sit with hunched back at the dining table. Ever since I lived with grandpa, he'd tap my shoulder or back whenever I naturally slouch forward and tell me to sit/stand straight. Then he'd compliment me if I sat really really really straight and I'd be like :''''''''D on the inside HAHAHAHHAHAH omg trained dog indeed. Psychology students know the name of this teaching method. I use to think that was annoying but now I'm so glad that he noticed my tendency to slouch. This actually turned into a competition between the cousins. We'd all be sitting at the dining table (family gathering) and the oldies/experiences aka me and Nelson would sit up really straight, then grandpa would be like "Maggie and Nelson have excellent posture!", then Jason, Tina and Leon would quickly follow up. As immature as it sounds, it feels awesome to the max to be first hand taught by grandpa (the process sucked), his way of education is almost a replica of the general military system, but in a nicer way. What I meant was that he doesn't use love as the foundation of everything, he uses practical methods, maybe it's the hard way, but certainly effective to a certain extent. Hopefully that has given me a bit of a taste of what society is like. BACK TO WHAT THIS POST WAS SUPPOSE TO BE TALKING ABOUT LOL

I do a self check on my spine #paranoid
+ Daily yoga stretching exercise to also improve my stiff body (were no where close to touching my toes wp)

A month or so after getting into this, I'm actually finding myself to be more awake, especially in class.
So please correct me when you see me with a terrible posture tyvm owe you my lyfe.

p.s. google image scoliosis I dare you.
p.p.s lol it's not even that scary
p.p.p.s until it happens to you
p.p.p.p.s. ggwp