Wednesday, August 7, 2013

confession: hygiene

I realise that this post is very judgemental but it's just my reasoning and observation don't take it offensively, maybe take it as a reminder? NAH IT'S JUST MY RANT I NEED TO UPDATE AND KEEP THIS BLOG ALIVE OMG MOCKS MOCKS MOCKS I'M GOING TO BE EXTERMINATED DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Watching people who look inexperienced at washing dishes : I can't bare watching it, to the point that I have to look away and just pretend they're doing fine or else I'll get irritated to the max and take over by force. Now I understand that expression on grandma's face when I first started washing dishes :\

First off, a person washing dishes with gloves on has either sensitive skin, or probably an extremely hygienic person. No I'm not complimenting the extremely hygienic people. Get real. You'll have to touch left over food to clean it. No one's going to serve you for the rest of your life and clean after your crap. You'll have to get over yourself and come to learn to clean messes you've made. Then if you don't like cleaning those messes, then don't even make mess in the beginning. "eww it's so disgusting I don't want to clean it" you'd say, but if you don't know how to clean after yourself, then you're either going to learn it the hard way, or earn a lot of money (or take money off your 'whoever') and pay someone to do it for you. With reference to my first point, I can't wash dishes with gloves on in general because the gloves prevents me from physically feeling the texture of the things I'm cleaning. With gloves on, it's way too hard to determine whether or not the plates are really clean. 

Second, a person who often misses out several areas of the dishes are clearly in a rush -cough- or just lazy and inconsiderate (for themselves and everyone else). Most noticeably the bottom of the plates/bowls etc. Seriously? do those people even do legit shower? or do they just wash half of their body? Eh. Again, drawing back the the first point, 'gloveless' method helps to find areas that you haven't washed. 

Thirdly, people who over rely on water to clean dishes have either an extraordinary cleaning method or theory in mind, or they're just happy-go-lucky let's hope the water is strong enough to wash off the things I don't want to touch. Water charges are increasing, unless you have some efficient hydroblasting equipment to wash your dishes, then please don't do it. Resources are costly. Just a heads up for those who've never ever seen a power/water bill. 

Lastly, people who wash dishes thinking that it's just like one or two wipes on the surface... really ticks me off. This ain't some cubby house games you've been playing for the last (your age - 3years) years. Live it up and do it properly. If there were some machine that sends the dirty dishes back into the sink, I'd doubt you'll be able to ever finish. Do you realise how disgusting it is, the germs develop on the plates, day by day, it's going to stink and remain greasy. Ya like that? 

I shall round this post up with ...........
lol idk how to D: