Saturday, August 17, 2013

rambling: worse taste everrr

As a Taiwanese child, we've all tasted both the liquid and tablet medications prescribed by the doctors. Yeah I know medications are not designed to 'taste good' but they taste soo bitter and have this really strong 'false' taste to it. Liquid forms were alright, some had a bit of sugar to it so it was sweet and all gee. But as we age, we're no longer given medication in liquid form, we get it in little 'naked-looking' tablets. Yes, no coating whatsoever, like the instant you pop it in your mouth, it leaves a distinctive taste trail on your tongue and all the way down your throat. It's really gross and I have actually choked on them several times true story. My throat will just push the medication back up as hard as it could (even though in my mind I wanted to just swallow it and get it over and done with). What's worse is, a normal cold/flu/sickness medication are given in packets. Each time you'll have to take the whole packet. The packet generally contains at least 4 to 8 tablets. Some are even split in half. Whilst they may look small, but they're the deadly ones. Why? Because in unsuccessful attempts to swallow them, they'll most likely get stuck somewhere in your mouth and start dissolving (beware the taste spreading in your mouth SOS), then you've reached the dead end of the game. GGWP. They are the nightmares beyond the sleepless nights. So when I finish exterminating the tablet from my body, I look at the rest of the tablets in the packet and reside to the "I'll let my body fix this itself, I don't need no medication" method.

Now I'm thankful that the medication prescribed here are mostly coated or don't seem to dissolve in a few seconds once in contact with anything 'moist'. To make a comparison with how disgustingly familiar the taste is to me... imagine a person with sharp nails scratching the blackboard... yeah you can totally imagine that right? LOL Oh wait maybe not... you were probably fortunate enough to only meet the white board. Damn blackboards were Anyway, I'm assuming that you'll feeling the 'sensation' of the screeching sound and yep, that's kinda how it feels when someone mentions 藥包 (mediation packet). QRWQJRLSKJFALKFJSLDGKJSDLKFDSJ