Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bad news

Guise my earphones broke again ....

this is the 4th time this year :(
spends over 100AU on this nice pair of earphones by audio technica in Taiwan - slams door shut on one earphone and breaks it
spends 8 bucks on a random cheap crappy quality earphone - one side randomly stops working
spends 12 bucks on a normal earphone - randomly stops working again
spends 30 bucks on a high quality and comfort earphone - breaks within 2 month of good care

This was literally me this morning
One side works for a few seconds then it doesn't work, then it does and it doesn't ... :(
NO earphones you cannot die on me like that, what about all those memories we shared together why no why I need you to block out annoying people fml
rip earphones
words cannot describe how sad I am right now