Sunday, October 13, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA! + funhouse + bali

Hope you had a fantastic day today!
Even though today was really hot and we had mando paper 2 n shiz like that. I was writing a long card but realised that I should just leave it till graduation to give it to you cause ya know it's the best occasion to shed a bit of tears. 

Tbh idk if I'll cry or not, even though I'm super pumped to get schooling over and done with but who knows. Obviously I'm super keen to graduate and get out there but it's the friends and stooof that are tickling my feels. What feels. 

After school, julie managed to get on the bus but victoria and I didn't make it because the bus was packed but then we met up at bread top in the city afterwards so it was all gee. We proceeded to study the cakes and ended up choosing the Tiramisu cake because we've never tasted this one before. It's actually been ages since we've had our cake eating spree so my taste buds are a bit off. The cake looked decent but it's all about the taste.

 Yeaaah maggie photography! When I went and ordered for it, the chick at the counter was like... (translated) "really???" and I was like "yes" and she repeated again "really??????" and of course I replied "yes.." and back and forth, back and forth for about 5 times. Was told to not include her face in the photo. 

The cake turned out to be super sweet and urghghghhghghghhghghg we didn't finish it. We're not fans of sweet as cakes so we ended up only eating about 3/4 of the cake. The grain looking thing wasn't that good imo and so I didnt eat it. Thought about the people starving and continued to stuff the cake down as much as I can, until I finally admitted defeat to this sweet as muddatrucking cake as my body begins to try and push out my share of the cake :( I held that shit down anyway so dw I didn't make a mess and the cake is well in my tummy and hopefully not turning into fat n all that.

Then we went and took some sticker photos. Haven't taken these since my birthday, so that's about 6 months whoaa. Back in the cake+sticker photo + froyo days... now it's like, go home early and study everyday. Absolute certain that we now really suck at taking sticker photos lolol WE USE TO LOOK PRESENTABLE but now it's like..pls no upload facebook or else. Check out my wrinkly thumb too 

This is time of the year where I just cant find any fuks to give about how I look. Bring on finals, traded candy crush for IB. Realised that most of us started with heavy fringe and all that in grade 10, then slowly lost our fringes and eventually turned into ..uhh the grudge we are today. If you actually think about it, most qa girls have this transition too...

I dug out all the funhouse tickets I've saved for the past 2 years or so. Remember how I told you guys that I was going to save it for the corndog machine? Well, I don't even know if it's there now ..since I haven't been there for months so I bet ..either someone who's better at saving these than me took it, or nobody wanted it and they gave/threw it away :(

No edit pls. And I managed to put them nicely in a bag so it doesnt over flow from my drawer.

So I guess, after graduation... I'll just rock up to one of the stores and put in all these points and exchange it for something decent. Today's toast goes to the basketball machine up at myer center. Really liked how you feed me tickets unlike other shit games that just take your money. Not to mention, my arms were pretty tank all thanks to you. Now it's just like ...faint and flabs hahahahah Probs should mention sunnybank's bbal machine too, you were a tough one. THE RANGE WAS SIMPLY TOO FAR OMG Also thanks to the stranger(s) for kindly and randomly donating your points to me. It's cool how a simple gesture just stays in someone else's mind for like...ages.

Flipped through my photos and guess what I found!!! (probs a repost but meh)

Toooooo Bali! (again, found it in my photo albums)

Rewinding Back to 2010 December.
Mum and I went to Bali to have our vacation, tbh we waited for this day since forever. I know that doesn't actually make sense but this is not an english paper idgaf. Since we don't spend much time together, she wanted to have a vacation where it's just us two and no one else. There are some photos I found!

This is me being my awkward self before coming to smt. Oh wait I'm still about the same dammit. The place was asldgjalskf amazing and humid. Just cover me and look at the scenery behind me omg it looks so fake hahahahahaha

The bathtub was amazing too but we didnt end up using it that much during our stay. WHO USES THIS WHEN YOU HAVE OUTDOOR POOL. Just enjoy the scenery and come back for a quick shower so the skin doesnt fall off.

After entering the door, you just see this. It's fuking fab I can't describe it with words.

I actually have heaps more photos but they're all blurry... talk about using a gifted camera... it was pretty much gifted from a lucky draw at dad's golf club dinner. It's still good anyway but the blurrs sometimes are sooo bad. HEYHEYHEY THIS IS ME IN 2010 AGAIN HAHAHAH I AM A SEEDY MAN

Chucking in a food photo. The only clear food photo..and i don't know exactly when or how I managed to edit this photo either. 

I also went to the one of the 2 massage sessions. Oh dayum that memory. Ok so, basically we had to get fully undressed (duh) and only wear this pair of undies they provide and I was FLOWING that day. My goodness. I was gonna pass but mum was like, nah try it. So I womaned up and went for it. Worth. It was pretty nice but the aircon was a bit too strong so I didn't even fall asleep. I was just there trying to hold in my runny nose while we face down and look through the part where you place your head. Then I had to opt out for the second session even though I wanted another one cause it was sooo goooood. The flow was just too strong. hahaha is this awks for you, my readers.

look at how old that bag is
I'm still using it to this day.
Got that bag from stepmum's colleague's wife.
Apparently it's famous in America at that time so they got me that when they came to australia for a visit.

Okay I'm running out of bali photos I'll stop here!

3 days left of legit school!!!