Sunday, October 20, 2013

If you can't see it, it still exists

I can't sleep

remembered I had about total of a litre of tea yesterday............
been lying in bed for 2 hours and my brain still doesn't want to give in

Those spooky stories 

Ok so I was reading some scary urban legends last night and that made me think of all the stories I've heard and believed were true but never actually went out and testify it. I studied grade 1 and 2 in Taiwan and at that time, my primary school use to be the "Taipei Air Force school for children" but then was renamed to the current name -" Huaisheng primary school". That place was founded by a really famous Sergeant and students would study with the sound of missiles and aircraft engines. Even though it's been a really long time since then, the rumours still go around the school about certain places in the school.

We had a really tall and deep pond at one side of the entrance and it was rumoured that someone fell in there and the body was never found. Aight I know it sounds fake as but at that time I believed it hahahahaha We'd still make jokes about it but everyone was secretly scared of that pond....but that wasn't the scariest place in the school.

I think the worst place at that time was the second floor girls toilets near the south side of the school. Damn that place was creepy as. No one would go in those toilets unless when they're obligated to do so for their cleaning duty. That place was dark and spooky. It's hard to explain but it sends this chill down your spine and you'd want to get out of there asap. Ya know, your instincts kick in and tell you that you're not suppose to be there, you feel this force is repelling your existence in that area. Thank goodness classroom was at the other side of the school so I never had to walk across that, and when I need to, I'd take the long way (go down/up the stairs and skip that toilet section and go down/up to second floor again).

Some of you might have heard of me talk about this friend who I "protected/defended for" all the time back in Taiwan. Yeah she cries easily and gets targeted often by the class because of that and I happen to stand up against injustice and shit like that hahahahaha One day, she revealed that she could see those things, she'd point at the air and blurt out "there's something there" occasionally and grab us away to the other side of the classroom. That kind of made sense to me because she'd always look down at her desk like she's trying to avoid something. I swear walking around the school with her was pretty scary cause we'd be walking up the stairs, about to turn the corner and she'd change her mind and drag me back down the stairs and walk the other way without saying a word. Life must be ...tough to be able to see them cause that school has a pretty damn messed up history.

Hhahaha getting side tracked again. Well ..I'd like to keep this short so laaaaaaterrrrrrrrssss

edit: try read this at midnight :( Happen to see this on tumblr dash and here goes another sleepless night ggwp

Creepiest Things Said by Kids
  • 1: My daughter had an imaginary friend named Sally, she told me once about how Sally was in jail for chopping her mom’s head off….
  • 2: My daughter when we were home alone one night, “mommy, who’s that man on the ceiling?”
  • 3: “The shadow man keeps talking to me at my window.”
  • 4: I was reading a story to my daughter when she suddenly slammed it shut, point to the empty doorway, and screamed “you get out of here! You’ve killed enough people!”
  • 5: “I need to get my hands on a giant penis so I can put this fire out all the way!”
  • 6: “Daddy, when can we get rid of that kid hanging in my closet?” I asked her what she was talking about and she told me all about a teenage boy who was hanging by a belt around his neck in her closet. I went to her closet there was nothing there, and she said he only is there when I’m not around.
  • 7: “There are three dead kids buried in our back yard. They told me where we can find them.”
  • 8: My five year old son once looked up at me while we were watching a movie and said, “I think I remember coming out of your no-no.”
  • 9: “Mommy, there’s a kid covered in blood in my bedroom and he won’t go away.”
  • 10: My 4yo shook me awake one night and asked if she could sleep with me because tonight the old woman at the window was being mean for some reason.
  • 11: An 8 year old I used to teach had a hard time with eye contact and appropriate touch. He looked me straight in the eyes one morning, not missing a beat, and told me, “you know, I think you’d look a lot better if you were dead in my basement.”
  • 12: “Mom, why is that lady from the cemetery sitting in my room?”