Thursday, October 17, 2013

Taking steps but not moving forward

After we were released from school, Victoria wanted to go shoot some hoops and Julie wanted to play ddr so despite I was very tired and all that.. I ended up going with them. They increased from $1 to $2 for a game..I was therefore initially, very hesitant to play a game but gave in at last. The machine was calling out to me I swear (lol). Guess what, I scored the exact same amount of points as last time. 
Was it really that hard for me to get one more ball in to break my own personal record? 
So why didn't I?
and strength
and aim
and skills
and the ability to chuck a ball one after another (like one with my right arm, another with my left)
that's how the pros got those sky high scores. Legit witnessed this guy just effortlessly throw with both hands it's like he's doing freestyle in air. I'm also very sure that the 785 high score was done by 2 people (with  epic teamwork and skill) I've seen it.

Congrats Victoria for improvement :D:D:D:D:D  

I'm not actually good at bball as a sport even though I played it as a school sport because the joints always feel so odd so I can't breakthrough the mental barrier of being scared to dislocate or twist something. My brain just tells me "that's not a good idea you're going to break something" so I can't make any plays physically. The more I know hahahahahah. Though near the end of year 11 we did have sporting activities one afternoon and I tried again to play some real bball but ffs the kneecap just decided to dislocate itself kthanksbye. gave me a reason to wag the last few days of school though :D

I actually dislocated it a few times after bio2011. A few times when I turned into another position while I'm trying to sleep, a few times while practicing in 2012, another few times just randomly when I'm changing positions or actions like walking/changing to an awkward direction. Thankfully, after familiarizing with kneecap dislocating itself, I've gotten use to just popping it back into place hahahahaha sounds gross as but there's not much you can do about it other than fixing it, unless if it's really out of place. Well, it's been 7 months ish since the last time it dislocated it self, so I'm hoping it's getting tougher. ....actually...nothing beats the pain (so far) than popping hamstring (honestly dont know what happened but it made a really loud popping sound). danggg that actually hurts for days, couldn't even walk without falling back on fours. Dislocation is just awkwardness, it's so awkward like wtf is this weird thing over here wot. 
yes hamstrings yes 
urgh rock climbing 
urghghghghhg no. 
^that's my type of poetry 

Before all that, I use to be a bit involved in athletic things but not like full on all day errday. I was once good at sprinting and topped in my class in Taiwan. Then proceeded to top my 100m races in grade 2 and 3 in primary at calvary. I still have dem blue banners xoxoxo. I wish I could still run fast hahahah Then I tried longer distances, did alright. I made cross country teams but were med-slow cause I was unfit and didn't know how to control breathing for a long period of time. Come on I was only good at short distances. BUT THIS ONE TIME. Oh goodness I will never forget this race. I can still see her surpassing me at the end, it's like a gif stored in my brain. 

So it was my first time doing 800m at athletics carnival in redeemer, grade 8 or 9 I can't remember which. I was up against some pretty competitive people including the dux and proxime accessit. They were really all rounders, perfect and all that, everyone including myself, loved them to death. I yoloed the race and kept my pace a bit ahead, then I grew a little tired after about 650m but we were close to the end. So I slowed down a bit to store some energy for the final sprint. BUT WHO KNEW (okay I was probably the only one who didnt expect it cause I was delusional). As I slowed down a tiny bit, she began to sprint like a muddatrucker so I was like aw shit fuk no and sped up to catch up to her but I couldn't. Yep and of course I came second. Ok. okay. alright. never underestimating the power of an all rounder. the walk of shame back to my house tent man.... that's right, I have records of throwing games. 

I think I've previously blogged about all the sports I use to do (which is not a lot). If I could undo this stupid kneecap dislocating event, you bet I would. It would even be better to also undo the hamstring thing too. I'm sure it was related, it was the same leg. To be honest, on some days, I'd wake up knowing/feeling that a tendon is out of place or just awkward in general so end up putting more weight on my other leg for the rest of the day (unconsciously of course). What's happened has happened, I definitely haven't gone through the worst so yeyeyeyey all gee ez. 

if you haven't seen kevin ware breaking his leg, then ya'll don't know what real pain/shock/wtf moments are.
you can probably find a video of the live game when his bone just ....uhm.. yeah.. feel free to go youtube it.
No need to link me if you've seen worse live videos please QQ

So another day,
dad rocked home from the annual qld taiwanese golf cup awards dinner and proceeded to push in a tv screen. okay.
"tell me what happened"
"got it from the lucky draw"
Yep so now we have an unboxed tv screen just sitting in the dining room. They're thinking to sell it to someone soon but hey that was what we planned to do with the sony blue-ray dvd player (which is still sitting in my wardrobe what).
He did well imo, came 45 out of 144 or so people. -sprinkles confetti-
Though he did win the 2010 one which was even more epic. You'd also need luck to win because they randomly select the hole numbers and then the score counts from there. Luckily, he had some pars and it was beaut n all that. I still thought he could of chosen a better shirt to wear that night cause it looked a bit weird in the photo hahahh