Monday, October 7, 2013

Summary of my last school holidays

I tried to blog
but the content is so retarded

so I ctrl+A and backspaced it.

I can'
time really flies

Let's just say, I tried to study in the holidays but sleepiness always gets to me and then I go for a nap, wake some work and feel sleepy again. Or the temperature is just not right in the morning for a good study, then I wait till the afternoon so the sun isn't trying to shine it's bright arse in my face. Curtains closed, I'll feel sleepy again. 

I did spend more time with my family but I guess I should of done that in every other holiday instead of this one. I've also mastered the skill of not giving a single f about my cousins' feelings. tbh we don't anyway. What are feelings. Our convos are just along the lines of:
cousin1: I'm going to beat you in tetris 
maggie: fuk I can't believe you KOed me you midget

I'll keep it G rated but idk if this relationship is healthy. It's just straight up bagging out each other, reverse trolling, putting down each other etc. But we don't really take it to heart so it's like nananannannana no one caresssss. 

yeah that's about it
oh and ... handball is a great game