Sunday, November 11, 2012

bleh anti over

so glad business anti is over :'D
everything just had to happen this week fml

recap of the week:

Sunday - successfully patched c9 and played on test server
that is all
should of been studying but spent 2 hours on C9,
few hours on lol...

finally went on C9 yeahyeah whatevvvvvs
that wa a screenclip of le me getting stuck in tutorial.
there was suppose to be a ! mark there  for quests etc
but the thing is there's not suppose to be dungeon quests available
since it starts from lv 57 but have to go through from lvl 1 dungeon
buuuuulcrap everyone was complaining on the forum
there's no way someone could lvl up to lvl 57 dungeon in 3 days ==

Monday - day 1 (for no lol)
Was 'anticipating' for afternoon business period.
Nek minnit
Mr A away
omfg last lesson before exam and teacher is away QQ

someone: let's take a photo
everyone: rokay!
Mr A: -holds up peace sign-
everyone: DDDDD:
everyone: -holds up peace sign-

m8 like Mr A is so asian <3

Tuesday (day 2)
omgggggg everyone wagged tuesday i swear
it was such a quiet and lonely day
but we moved into the empty refect to enjoy some aircon hurhur
most of the yr 11 business kids went slq
tsk tsk waggers

Wednesday (day 3)
swwwwwoooooooogtvac day :D
woke up at 7 to study
1pm, lost concentration.
started procrastinating and watching youtube
spent the night studying some moar

Thursday (day 4)
still went to school at normal time even though exam is at 1pm
sat in the library for 3-4 hours
cramming a bit more on recommended studies for paper 1
Mr A comes around with a 'jar' or lollipops :D

he's so nice :'D

finished the exam at 2:30
frustrated because got the ARR question wrong
2 marks gone ==
"comment on results"
oh there goes another 2-4 marks gone

Friday (day 5)

woke up at 5
studied a bit more
left home at 6
exchanged our wednesday studying outcomes...
we stayed in the refect and studied a bit moar with others
le everyone asks last minnit questions :L

awesome free breakfast
studied a bit moar
8:30 in my C9 seat
so exhausted (not that I have been allnighting or studying my arse off)
Everyone had to wait for jerry because he was running late
-sits there and naps-

paper 2 was crazy
some case studies just didn't make sense :L
but lucky that we get to choose 1/2 in section A
2/3 in section B

we finished exam at 10:30 ish ?
can't even remember
then we went to refect to chill and buy food to eat :L
still had to attend class ==
so brain dead LOL

In DT, i was so tempted to install windows 8 pro but then I didn't bring my harddrive for backup.
note: jack gave me the installer on tuesday or something and i've been googling this..

Still haven't upgraded yet....
maybe in the holidays

Mando was so intense, Mr L is so asian
"you had exam this morning, that's 4 hours ago! you all should be bright and alive because business should be out of your mind!"
fuuu everyone was trying to stay awake hahhahahaha

Didn't go hang at the city to celebrate :\
wanted to just go home and play lol and sleep

The grade 10s wanted to go eat free food at this place but we didn't end up going there because IT WASN'T EVEN OPENED YET HAHAHAH then they went to food court and I just cbfed

Tried playing a decent anivia bot game
DCed, comp lag
left the computer on and went out for dinner

came back, tried to play another game,
DC, weak internet
watched more tv series and went to sleep

Woke up at 8,
tried to lol again
internet still weak
so mad
watched more tv series

i lost a bot game
was it because i didn't pick support bot?
i think yes.
even bots had more teamwork then us

but day saved with this :D
i almost cried when draven got so fed -tears of happiness-
i didn't end up going ad, meh leggo ap for once
trynd was getting harassed hard top lane by ashe and evelyn
ashe ended up free farming top, but she cant last hit (like me) hurhur
OTP #2 (fav couple is sona, lee sin soz <3)

[all] ahri: who keeps feeding draven?
[all] ahri: oh wait they're MY TEAMMATES
[all] ahri: that ain't even close

nek minnit support kills ahri
nice try ahri
ahri 2/6 deaths were from sona

[all] ahri: and a support killed me wat

come at me ahri
(jokes one of my deaths was from her, the other one was because my fps dropped to 0 legit)

lol i always arrive when the team fight is 'over' and both sides retreat on low
le me appears out of no where behind 5 low health enemies
draven ultis

lvl 21 games lol
where nubs verse each other :'c

watching more tv series

I suck at blogging :\