Saturday, November 3, 2012

the official 3rd of Nov 2012 post :D


Not posting a video for once :L

but was scrolling through someone's tumblr.....


Second post today
the last one was unofficial.
Anyway... recently I've noticed that some people are constantly saying,
"what girls say are SOOOO different from what they mean"
like dafuq if i said "do whatever you want", I want you to "do whatever you want" k
and then it turns out that men are the ones making an useless assumption that all women are thinking that way.
but a lot of less feminine people like me, actually mean it literally. So don't over analyse whatever we say hahahahahahaha.
imo though,
femininity - lvl 2

Though sometimes you'll figure out through their expression or body language, whether or not girls mean what they say. BUT DONT JUMP INTO CONCLUSION BECAUSE IMO GIRLS SHOULD JUST MAN UP AND SAY WHAT THEY MEAN AND STAHP PLAYING 'YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT I'M REAAAALLY THINKING' GAME.

Then guys (and me), don't have to force ourselves to think, or google what possible meanings there are to what you've just said.

rant over _

the following is a screenshot of my friend's comment on league reddit

Najin pwned clg so it's orgy (all gee) for him :L

oh ye recently receive this email. WHY NOW, WHEN ANTICIPATED IS COMING UP
lol my main is still like lvl 47 or something.
level cap still 57 so i could possibly catch up on the holidays who knowssssss ;D
i haven't been on for 3 months or so LOL
totally ditched this relationship for league...... >____>
then i woke up early this morning, hopefully get 1 or 2 hours to log in.
nek minnit
"please join in the next guild war session"
i think beta server was probably full
since the server opens at 1am brisbane time
and goes for 12 hours.
So i went and played 3 games of lol, defeat, victory, victory
returns to studying mode..
need to study more @____@