Tuesday, November 20, 2012


  1. Was your last real relationship a mistake? no
  2.  Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yes
  3.  Who did you last say “I love you” to? my grandma :D
  4.  Do you regret anything? yes
  5.  Do you have nicknames? If so, what are they? MAGIGIE, 妹
  6.  Are you a boy or girl? girl
  7. Are you insecure? somewhat
  8.  What is your relationship status? single pringle 
  9.  How do you want to die? in sleep
  10.  What did you last eat? fish
  11.  Played any sports? dance
  12.  Do you bite your nails? no
  13.  When was your last physical fight? I don't recall -presses b-
  14.  Do you have an attitude? when I'm moody, yes.
  15. What is your full name? Maggie Chen
  16. Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? yes
  17. Do you hate anyone at the moment? no
  18.  Do you miss someone? yes
  19. Have any pets? no
  20. Ever made out in the bathroom? no
  21. Are you scared of spiders? not really
  22.  Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? don't think so
  23.  Where was the last place you snogged someone? park
  24.  What are your plans for this weekend? homework and beach
  25.  Do you want to have kids? How many? yes, 2 maybe
  26.  Do you have piercings? How many? none
  27.  Want any more? yes soon
  28.  What is/are your best subject(s)? procrastinating business 
  29.  Do you miss anyone from your past? yes
  30.  What are you craving right now? kickarse grades
  31. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? i believe so...
  32. Have you ever been cheated on? no
  33.  Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? no
  34.  What should you be doing right now? studying
  35. What’s irritating you right now? not having kickarse grades
  36.  Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts? what is love
  37.  Does somebody love you? yes my family <3
  38.  What is your favourite color? orange?
  39.  Milk chocolate or white chocolate? wat. aren't they the same? soz I'm a candy person atm
  40.  Do you have trust issues? no
  41. Mom’s name? Joanna
  42.  Dad’s name? Joe 
  43. Who/what was your last dream about? I forget dreams when I start thinking about it
  44. Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? yes
  45. Who was the last person you cried in front of? myself
  46. Do you give out second chances too easily? no
  47. Is it easier to forgive or forget? to forget is much easier 
  48. Is this year the best year of your life? no
  49. Have you ever walked outside completely naked? outside as in, out of my room? then yes
  50. Favourite food? CAKKKKKEEEEE
  51.  Do you believe everything happens for a reason?  yes
  52. What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? turn on all my alarms 
  53. Are you afraid of the dark? depends
  54.  Is cheating ever okay? no and yes if they're both cheating
  55.  Are you mean? can be 
  56. How many people have you fist fought? heaps (runescape of course, dem unarmored duels) 
  57. Do you believe in true love? yeah, but how would you know it is?
  58.  Favourite weather? sunny, patches of clouds
  59. Do you like the snow? dont mind
  60. Does it snow a lot where you live? no
  61.  Do you like the outdoors? don't mind
  62. Are you currently bored? no
  63. Do you wanna get married? yes
  64. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? depends
  65. Are you hungry? no
  66.  What makes you happy? winning a game
  67. Would you change your name? no
  68. What’s your zodiac sign? aries
  69. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? yes
  70. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? so...wasssssup 
  71. Do you have alot of friends? how much is 'a lot'?
  72. Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? yes
  73. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yes
  74. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad
  75. Does it matter how your boyfriend/girlfriend looks? yes
  76.  Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? julie
  77. Do you believe in soulmates? yes
  78. Were anyone you would die for? yes
  79.  When is your birthday?  15th of April
  80.  Are you easily embarrassed? depends
  81.  Do you consider yourself a strong person emotionally no
  82. What’s your guilty pleasure? gaming when I'm not suppose to
  83. What’s your favorite drink? orange juice WITH PULPS 
  84. What’s something that’s bothering you right now? I shall keep that off the internet
  85. What are you currently addicted to? CAAAKKKEEEEE
  86. What are your turn ons?成熟穩重,大男人主義,懂得保護我(不准保護/過度關心別的女生D:<), 高(身材不要太瘦弱),主動  (soz it's easier to describe in mando :L)
  87. What are your turn offs? 受弱膽小,溫柔寡斷, 電玩打比我爛很多, 極度懶散/沒上進心,花心
  88. Ever had a terrible breakup? ...think so
  89. When was the last time you kissed someone? a while
  90. What were you last insulted by? MY DAD: "maggie should go on a diet" SCUSE ME JUST CAUSE I ALWAYS ASK FOR 2 PACKET OF POCKYS WHEN YOUS GO OUT SHOPPING >_>
  91. What are your fears? losing my senses and emotions
  92. Who would you punch in the face right now if you could? no thanks i only use my fist to the victory baby meme
  93. What piercings/tattoos do you have/want? ear piercing, maybe not tattoo, IMAGINE DAT STRETCHED, WRINKLY SKIN YOU GET WHEN YOU GROW OLD :O leggo temp paper tattoos
  94. Favorite book? dragon keeper series, Harry Potter and TWIL-NO
  95. What do you want to do before you die? if meaning 'die of old age'....then... cosplay, visit the pyramids, become rather wealthy,  ride a camel, have a family, be a cool mum, visit great barrier reef, volunteer at rspca, volunteer in animal conservation in africa (errmagurrd even cooler) and moar 
  96. Who do you want right now? you tell me -avoids question-
  97. Favorite band? band hmm? SISTAR :D (if kpop 'groups' count)
  98. What do you do when you’re angry? cuss
  99. What can you do that most of people can’t? be me
  100. Describe your last sexual experience: dont have
  101. Ever been in a physical fight? repeated question?
  102. Ever done drugs? no
  103. Describe your most reckless night oh my goodnet, okay. Was at a party, played kings cup, got served many shots. Looked after drunk people, watched people vomit, cleaned up after them.  Watched a few pass out, woke up from a 1-2hr 'sleep', saw people still up at 2am, joined in played more, got served more shots, watched people do bad things (not what you think). Revised maths at 5am, watched himym from 6am. . Don't believe me? i can even show you a photo that i took of a hot air balloon that was flying around the area that morning, at 4am. I watched the sunrise while eating rock melon. "life is terrible please let me go home and sleep" my thoughts that night. 
  104. Describe your perfect guy/girl?  btw humans are not perfect so this question is invalid to me but if you want me to stop being realistic then... refer to the 'turn on' question lol dont judge me :'c
  105. Currently listening to? the clock ticking 
  106. Ever hooked up with someone of the same sex? Would you? no and no
  107. When did you lose your virginity? haven't..
  108. When did you last have sex? ^see above.
  109. Ever sexted? no
  110. What does your URL mean? it's my nickname 
  111. What do you miss? being stress free