Wednesday, November 28, 2012

posted due to demand

mid night gaming
started off terrible
since my carry - ashe was auto attacking (like me sometimes) the whole time and doing stupid things (like me again). She gave away first blood (like me last night), and I took the SECOND blood. 
started saying surrender at 20 around 12minutes into the game, 
thinking that we cant carry our carry..especially laning against zyra and draven T_T
damn i wish i had lol replay on >___>
the whole game was so epic, so many hot 6somes <3
and good team fights

not-the-worst-team na

surrender vote came up twice 
1st time: yes, no, no, no (me), yes
2nd time: yes, no, yes, no, n/a (me)
-secretly does the exact opposite of what I said-
actually thought we might win this and just ignored the vote and let it time out hurhur
then KSed 2 or 3 kills to get moar gold to buy ap items
sona snowballs from then, YES

shaco was pinging the entire map i swear
and retreat ping everywhere, ganking, baiting
jayce was just casually doing his thing, carrying LOL
ashe was just face checking everywhere and getting caught
karthus was being usual karthus but with less ultis
I was being the scumbag support taking cs and kills

push and cc to win :D

yeah was watching stream

holidays come to me :'D