Saturday, July 20, 2013


Extended Essay is officially over! :'D

I had the best sleep the night before it was due. Printed and bounded my EE on Thursday afternoon and it was one of the greatest feeling ever. Even though I didn't really like my chosen topic and found it boring but I still completed it. On Thursday morning, Mr Leong checked my EE and had an emotionless expression and scrolled up and down, then just said "should be ok". Did you know how much I spazzed afterwards? It must have been soooo bad but I'm not sure if it's decent or he just gave up on me omg. Regardless, it's over and I can't do anything to improve it so I'm content.

After school, I went to the ANU advisory session held at The Sebel Suites. We thought we were lost but nope, pro google map skills. Victoria accompanied me, sat with me and ask about law at anu.

person: so you're both interested in studying law?
maggie: yes
victoria: yes

In reality, Victoria doesn't even give a bum about law hurhurhurhur tyvm I'm so grateful for your accompany. We arrived at 4 and finished by 4:30, then we hung around city a bit and waited for Hanwoori to open. I didn't actually eat a lot of meat, I ate more vegetables than meat like dafuq.

After we finished eating, we caught the 150 back to garbo. Remember how I dislike people who talk loudly in enclosed area? There was a Korean lady talking on her phone really loudly (I could her her clearly with music blasting in my ears) and being a noisy, ignorant individual. I looked back at her a few times, hoping that she'd catch the hint that she's being annoying but she was too into her conversation and kept going on. Then this guy yelled at her and told her nicely to stfu. Then she looked at him like, "omg this person is SO weird. strange. is this thing human?". Then she moved down to the front of the bus. I can't thank that guy more. He's so badass, stepping up and getting the problem solved. Also like this other guy who was on the P88 early last year. The year 10s were super noisy and completely ignoring the fact that they're on a public transport, not a school bus. Then that guy at the front just shouted to the back of the bus, "shut the fuck up! move the fuck down". Excuse the language but that's what he said. Sometimes people just don't listen to things without at least a swear word involved.

I enjoyed experiencing the night life,
since I'm never really allowed out at night often.
my curfew: before the sun sets
for safety reasons.
Can't argue against that,
I watched way too many cases in the documentary and now I'm paranoid of being in public areas alone at night. "prison diaries" was interesting, "serial killers: the real silence of the lambs" fab but too many sound effects and "Torture - The Guantanamo Guidebook" comment.

It's not the dark that scares me,
it's the people.
omg motto


Woke up earlier than usual by a terrifying impulse. Last minute google mapped to check the busstop and tsxpo's venue. Every moment where I know I arrived at the right place, completely new to me, without getting lost, resembles the feeling of ranking up on mariokart online. Damn that feeling is the best. Especially when you win against someone from japan hell yus. I walked around the exhibition center twice to make sure that I've checked out everything. Starting from the left, I found ANU and got spotted by an ANU student who welcomed us on Friday. It was like a reunion AHAHAHHAHA.

her:I remember you ! You're here wanting to talk to our opponents?!

Then she talked to me more about the degree, the exams and assignments and what not. Glad to find someone who also think that crimes are interesting, instead of something that should be frowned upon.  If I remembered correctly, she's in her 5th year? 

Here's my collection of 2014 uni guides.
QTAC-Griffith : from school talks                        |                                  QTAC- ANU : from advisory and tsxpo
Idk what to do with my life. I don't know if I will have the ability to make choices. whelp.

There were so many unis and academies that I've never even heard of. Around 2-4 beauty schools, many hotel management unis, hair dressing school, new york film school.

I have a close family friend who did IB and currently goes to University of Sydney, studying commerce. She first went to UQ. Told me about the life in Sydney etcetc. Most importantly, looking at my results, I really don't think I'll be able to get a IB 44 and get into University of Sydney and study law. If I really wanted to study there, I'd have to do something for a year, get gpa 5.5+, then start law. Ain't nobody got time for dat. Jokes. I don't know what will happen in the future. University of Melbourne is as epic. I think the IB 44 might be the requirement for University of Melbourne.... can't remember. Tim was also there, doing a powerpoint presentation, for qut I believe. Bond had a very nice bunch of people, like ANU. They were really hostile and down to earth in comparison with UQ and QUT. I don't know but I feel like UQ, QUT  and I are at the same level of awkwardness. UNSW, James Cook wasn't too bad. Monash was a bit empty, they only had 1 person and she was....not really helpful so I quickly took the guide and moved on. There were so many other unis that I've never even heard of. Though I still did peek in a bit hehe. Australian National Defense was the bomb. I'd do that if all else fails. Best case scenario duo law and crim. You have no idea how many times I've changed my mind on what I want to do. I'm betting that my goal at the moment was 'derived' and funneled down from the 10295809384203 courses that I once wanted to do (not just a part of it) but then realised that I don't suit it at all (I need sleep and can't do science).

+ Dinner at market square

Less than four months left before finals.
Going to have an intense conversation with myself soon to talk/work things out.
self counseling ok