Sunday, July 14, 2013

T3W1 Summary

Finally had some food rolling in! This Kracher was apparently bought in Germany. It just tastes like sugar but who doesn't need sugar in week 1? Need help with keeping awake during the day

Griffith came to talk to us on Monday. I originally had griffith on the bottom of my list but after that session, it probably raised by one or two positions, making its way up my ladder woohoo. I guess the main reason is that they're offering the course I want (as well). 

Vic and I went and hung around the city on Monday or Tuesday afternoon and tried out myer center berry me. It's been a while since I've made my own so it looks dodge not gonna lie. Overheard the conversation between the guy working at berry me and a few customers. It's just so fascinating to observe that kind of situation, I mean, the customers were definitely trying to get in. They weren't even there for the froyo, they weren't even legit customers but people who were just there for him. They just sat there when he was serving the other customers and approached him and said, "can I ask you a question?" with that kind of tone that girls do when they want attention and when they flirt. Aww it's going down. I can't imitate or recreate that conversation but it was omg their intentions were written on their faces, bold, italics, underline. They want the d. not friendship. ;)

Careers breakfast on thursday morning was generally useful. We arrived at school at 7am and offered to help out at the kitchen. Mind you, we weren't helping for cas hours. Finally got into the school pantry and fridge :D I think we talked to 4 or 5 people. I was lucky enough to talk to someone who works in the exact field that I want to get into. 

On saturday, I went back to grandparent's house to finish making my design. Spent around 2 to 3 hours trying to finish it off. The amount of frustration in those hours. To even accurately sew a curve, gave me the greatest internal conflict on my decision to make something that requires a lot of concentration. Mind you, I thought my design will be easy to make but it's not omg. Dad came back from his weekly exercises and told us that there's a dead wallaby at the front. Family friend and I wanted to have a look at it so we walked down. From afar, we saw this crow on top of the wallaby and consuming it. 


If you look closely in the middle photo, you will see a part of the wallaby's large intestine. We're assuming that because there are poo like things in it and it stinks like aasdfgh. The bottom photo is the remains of the wallaby, headless and no organs, left with only the legs, tail, skeleton, skin on the back and fur. I've seen a few dead wallabies and other animals but this one was the strangest of all. The entire neck and head was missing, and that's weird isn't? What kind of animal would eat a head? Take away it's internal organs? Or maybe it wasn't done by an animal? ASLFKJDSGLKJDS I WANT TO KNOW. 

insert food photos 

I feel like the world is being too nice to me when I get  3 yellow mentos in a row.
Any year 12 going to tsxpo?