Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dreams (in sleep)

this is a fill in post,
because I feel like I'm obligated to do so, after being inactive for 3 to 4 days, but I do have an excuse for it. For those who haven't heard/known/etc, our cohort went to "Year 12 Focus Retreat" from Sunday morning to Tuesday afternoon.
It was..cold.
I'll do a separate post on camp later in the week. scabbing photos from people soon.

So it's the day after camp and I'm still trying to catch up with sleep. It's not like I didn't sleep at all, it was more like, I slept the most but to be was really light and I woke up a few times at night. Speaking about sleep, I use to not dream at all. Or not that I know of. I've probably forgotten but I had years of solid good sleep (no dreams). Then, if I actually had a dream, it would be bloody realistic and unsure if I just had a dream or it was reality. During those times, my friends would be at school in the morning, telling everyone the kind of dreams they had the night before and I'd be there just listening and wondering why those things never happened to me. #leftout and then I came to QA. I started dreaming more often, almost every night from year 11, of which most are horror based and creepy. I mostly have vivid ones after I press the snooze button on my 3 alarms. Then I would just wake up all of a sudden, the dream would be perfectly timed and finished by the time I open my eyes, and it would be exactly 10 minutes.

Now I actually prefer just having a solid good night sleep without any dreams. Yeah dreams I don't need you!
I want to learn to lucid dream one day *___*