Friday, December 28, 2012

-opens hotmail-
fuuark can't handle this 
-vomits rainbows-
excuse the "now on sale...warning." from "friends" I think it's spam/virus email I have no idea. 
How do I know that? 
Because my friends never email me </3

 chaox #1

This is a screenclip of me trying to make fun of grade 11s this year
and that was what happened

I GOT OWNED ;____;
still funny though

Don't think I'll be able to blog until I get back in bris (no internet at taipei home)
im off going to visit relatives and friends (not my friends, they're my dad's </3)
will be back in bris to start preparing for grade 12 -suffocates-
^ what adults always say

Thursday, December 27, 2012



I never knew there were calculations >___> I just look at the score and think
"less death is good game"
BL to non mando readers :\
missed out on this epic video, which is basically the intro to guy's lol for girls



Guess what? I went to wufenpu on monday again LOL I was having a good sleep then there was a phone call at 1pm in the 'morning' (for me) and it was my "姐姐" calling to say that she'll be picking me up in 1 hour to go to wufenpu to buy more clothes etc. I was pretty excited yeah since last time I failed to shop properly and only bought those things (look at the previous post) 囧rz The thing is, I slept at 6am so I only slept for about 7 hours that day/night. 

Why did I sleep at 6am?


It's like historical drama, so everyone is all dressed up like people in 清朝and they talk funny imo. Really hard to understand if I don't listen closely T__T -> means I can't blog properly while watching drama -> this post will be weird again
I love how they insult each other with kindness LOL
WELL this drama is pretty much talking about the bitch fights they have in imperial harem. Bitches go poison each other, bitches setting up traps,bitches falling for traps, bitches betrayed by servants who are lured by other bitches. Servants be greedy and want the emperor to 'promote' them for their entertainment 'skills'...
and so on..

Really entertaining I must say, but then my friend was like...(uh I said 'like' again)
friend: are you on tw server?
me: no im watching 後宮,甄嬛傳
friend: ==
friend: don't watch that, you're going to turn bitchy
me: ==

gaaan I started watching because my mum was asking me if I watched historical dramas etc and told me how good it was. Then I thought, probably just something she's into atm, but then, 姐 started talking to me about how good this drama is, and that everyone is watching it (true fact, because it's on a few taiwanese channels now). SO THEN IM ON MY WAY TO FINISHING THIS. DRAMA.

Back to what happened on monday..
I had lunch first with 姐 at a steakhouse :D good food omg but we ate for 1.5 hours so we only arrived at wufenpu at 4pm </3
Switched on my shopping mode and started making quick purchases LOL since dinner is booked at 6:30pm and it's Christmas eve so we wanted to be on time and leave asap to go to another place to pick up some purchases.
had 姐's bf there to carry some bags too >:D
-turns into lightbulb- QQ
Then we had 火鍋, like shabushabu (?) and it was 鴛鴦鍋 (one side is spicy, the other is normal)
they had a restaurant dog
dayum golden retrievers are cute as fu *___*
their round, loyal looking eyes man, MELT ME INSTANTLY (SUSS)
Can't believe I did  grow up with a golden retriever <3 I must be super happy.
Apparently nana was my bestie back then and she'd be lying on the ground and I'd be riding her LOL

^another paragraph about dogs, gomen

nothing really happened, I slept until 4pm and stayed at home and watched more drama.
I was 'trying' out sona since I didn't have another support champ in my champion pool </3
Did my usual thing...stole some minions and killed some champions...
thought I was being scumbag sona again 
but then my adc was like MEH you still gave me kills and let me carry the game, play with me nek time?
lol jokes I had to teach him the ropes afterwards because I found that the friend just started playing lol >_>

woke up at 5pm (that's because I slept at 7am)
Had a long talk with my mother :)
We spoke for 4-5 hours straight about what happened this year and so on. Caught up with the conversations we would of had throughout the year. It was really nice, didn't realise the time until we saw the sunlight and heard whistle sounds (directing cars for children to go to school) LOL

We went to have dinner at 6pm
never tried them

prawn 餅 (don't know how to translate lol)
curry beef behind

raw prawn
(super good)

these are just some things we ordered, we also had 酸辣湯! It was so ..sour..

going to buy some products tomorrow before I go to taipei!
Will be back in Aus next week!
damn I'll miss Taiwan...

btw loss weight -fist pumps-
but then, my mum is 162-165 but 47kg QQ still have fat at required area
where that gene at?  

Friday, December 21, 2012

孫燕姿《當冬夜漸暖》MV 完整版

很感動 *___*

on the side note:
dled a mosquito repellent app at 4am in the morning
worked psychologically, I was alseep before 5am :D
didn't hear any mozzies fly around my face yeye
not sure if the app REALLY works but the reviews are saying it worked,
well it did for me too
trying the app tonight/tmr morning again to see if it works legit


with mum's business associates at 8pm 

Mushroom and steak and whatever you see on the stone plate

Red tea and coffee jelly

I forgot the name of this 囧
 When we arrived at the restaurant, I greeted the staff with an awkward hello and stood there awkwardly waiting for the waitress to figure out tables etc... WHY AM I A HEAD TALLER THAN ALL OF THEM T___T # tallgirlproblems They were like whispering to each other about how 'not short' I am -____-
I want to be short again (looking forward to getting back in aus)
+ they also thought I couldn't speak mando 

sneaked selfie lolz
can't remember what to blog about

bought a few things..
2 x heels
4 x clothes
1 x bag
3 x accessories 

spent a total of approx 170AUS
the place was so dusty I nearly choked and sneazed like there's no tmr :\
now I feel like I have something in my throat ...
3 hours rush in such a big market T__T
didn't get to see all the shops.
the clothes market place is the blue shaded area.
I only visited 2 STREETS (horizontally) </3...
so in total, I've missed out on like 3/4 of the market -cries-

Hoping I get another chance to go out shopping before I go back to AUS!!
btw finished doctor x

Thursday, December 20, 2012

it's 5:15am and im here lyingin bed with 5 more mozzie bites on me and a free roaming mozzie in my room.

that insect will suffer a painful death

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

a bit cold


wtf why is the photo so blurry -___-
I suck at using advanced technology.
Korean food lol it was really nice
the cheese tasted better in taiwan compared to madtongsan in aus
and there's sooo much meat *___*
but australia has a larger serve :\

I must say... Taiwan is a pretty small place ..
we called up the place to see if they're open (since it's a small shop) and once we got there, I thought..
"oh wow this shop is directly across to my step-grandparent's house" =_____=
since they live in a complete different province or whatever to us, so I thought I won't ever come across that area. (not that I'm avoiding them or something?)

watching doctor x (jap drama)
IT'S SO GOOD 100/10
The actress looked so familiar so I searched her on dramawiki..
another 100/10 jap drama (I watched 1 and 2)
I actually learn some pretty cool things from watching these kind of jap drama!
which is more important?
 save a patient's life or to get the family's consent?

NOW TO MY BORING LOL LIFE (those two words shouldnt be put together)
took me 30mins and 3minutes to make a new account on garena
now i can stalk tpa members' masteries huehue 
everything (even the items) were in mando Orz
now i have to navigate through the shop x1 longer than usual, no offence the items some sound lame in mando ==
haven't played normals yet (after 6 games im only lvl 5, no flash guise) but loving their free champs
blitz is freaking awesome to piss people off sometimes (Y)
q enemy champion before he/she dies to ks KILL SECURE some more
first time on teemo, legit dont know how to play him properly and don't want to
i'm already a scumbag support sona 
no need for a double life mate :L

PING= 24
compared to my 400+ping on na server for the past two games 
(check out my match history, I was legit just feeding :'c didn't mean to)

laters to na server for the time being
p.s. where's australia server </3

Sunday, December 16, 2012

2nd week


2nd week in Taiwan,
still wearing short sleeves >_>

-tears of joy-
on the flip side, my hair is now medium-short fuu T___T
I miss my long hair </3 
btw that picture was taken before I had a haircut.
I'm currently trying to  make my hair grow faster T__T
apologise for such 'descriptive' blog post -sarcasm-
I'm watching  'the haunted' episode6 on animal planet and it's so creepy but there's nothing else interesting to watch  o___o

Can't exactly multitask while watching something like that 
it's a film, not a documentary ...

pl0x don't judge me
the only tv channels I watch in Taiwan are:
- fox 娛樂台(music bank etc)
- mtv
- gs國興衛視 (japanese tv)
- animax
- 緯來日本 (jap drama)
- animal planet
- tlc
- discovery
- national geographic

out of 80+ channels...I've funneled down my 'most viewed' channels


ate 1.5 boxes of 章魚燒 

prawn restaurant! it was soooo goooood

I went and bought some food at the convenient store,
it''s so cool that they offer this '洞洞袋' (hole bag) to carry the food that you want them to heat!
goshdammit I love asia

super famous egg tart

okay I finished watching the haunted
time to watch food shows 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A week

I cant be stuffed connecting my ipod to the laptop :L

this is the only kind of image I have T__T
I wish I had my lol replay on for this game,
for one of the few occasions, I closed my lol recorder because my ping was sky high ==
Dat feeling when your ping goes up to 400, escalates to 700 and 1600.
There I am, clicking everywhere and hoping that I wont see myself dying when my ping drops   </3

why do I still play on na server in tw?
It's because my laptop is out of space to dl another lol client LOL
I'll have to start over and create another account ==
why am I writing this on my blog? 
Because I have nothing else interesting to say..

Actually havent been playing as many games as I thought I'd play..

started watching elfen lied
not really motivated to watch the next episode
so far,
all I'm seeing is INCEST
and I do not ship the 'couple'
therefore I withdraw :D

so now I'm reading vampires knight == catching up on the volumes and chapters I've missed 
for the past months..
the top animes are mostly set in the future with new technology and system 
it takes so much brain power to learn it so I can't really be bothered to read/watch them 
sword art online is an exception! (game related)
but THEN, now the anime is a drag and creepy as fu
so I stopped after they finished playing sword art online

i have some baby photos >:D
my mum and I was looking through my baby photos (I didn't even know they existed)
le me at 2 years of age with my teddy bear? (I still have it sitting in my room :D)
apparently this was my signature smile LOOOL
huehue super exaggerated
we had a family dog back then called nana 
there were many photos of her and I

atm I'm in my 宅 mood so I haven't been outside (actively) for a week or so (that's considered a long time in taiwan since    the place is convenient and there's no reason to restrict myself indoors)
But dw I'm having a blast :D
being able to sleep in and stay up late is already le BEST EVER woohoo
Last night/this morning, I stayed up till 4:30am for no particular reason

I'm going to sleep earlier tonight..

Thursday, December 6, 2012

wassup tw

soz for the lack of posts

won't be able to post decent stuff for around a week or so

since there's no wireless until nek thursday :\
and internet wire doesnt work on any other computer/ laptop
dammit i cant even patch season 3 update -> can't play

thanks to ollie for tagging me in this
In my defence,
I've tried to let my adc take kills (after ollie and friend got mad at me LOOOL) and my adc and I happened to let draven get away 2 times with like 30hp or less. My adc gave up chasing after I E-ed him/her (that is, to increase movement speed), what a waste. That's why I like to ks and buy more ap items to ddddddominate my lvl 25 games kk.

btw that happens in most games

life without internet is kind of lonely
so i've been watching modern family and movies etc
stroking my grandparent's cat...

we've had some 'stare-offs'
goodnet sake so intense
just like snoopeh's stares

 oh yeah flying solo was pretty fun...
I use to fly 'alone' when I was a kid, but then there's aways an adult taking care of me (those people working in the airport) and I wore those tags that say I'm a loner child etc jokes. I remember I had to wait for the gardian guy to handle something for about 20minutes, then I finally got my suitcase == super cool getting to do things at my own pace, fuu the waiting (for people going to toilet, going to buy something (parents, usually, duty free).

 taiwan is kinda chilly atm but im still wearing short sleeves beecauseeee immmmm stupid and i'm going to get sick soon I know it.
I'll bet you, within 7 days, I'll get really sick and end up with a super runny nose.
trust me, this happens everytime
in taiwan

Monday, December 3, 2012

where's tpa (not proper post)

note: it's an ad for this new 'dance' game 
AHHAHAHHA please tell me the "EHHH" guy is not toyz 
ermagurd i want to be in that class 
I was catching up on some games in ipl5 
sad to say that clg eu is out of the tournament
now you know I have this major crush on snoopeh ..
he's so hot I can't even
(okay maybe the appearance is 40%, but what he does and the vibe he gives contributes 60% of his sexiness)
but again, the height always puts me off

it's like toyz being the shortest guy in the team

Saturday, December 1, 2012

league chats #1

me : I love deathcaps

me : deathcaps are like snapbacks for sona

teammate: LOL

Friday, November 30, 2012

More videos from EmilyCbswy (playlist)

super skilled :D
check out the one in a million cover by her too !


I'm proud to say, 
I've attended the second last day of school -pats own back-
since last year I missed the last 3-4 days of school because I injured myself >_>

This week's overall recap!!

Went to slq again for EE research day. Loving the internet there (always better than uq or qut since they dont have internet, for us) :D
For lunch, we went to city (again), Victoria and I decided to go eat at winter garden again but we swiftly U turned our way out after seeing the place being'people-mountain-people-sea*' 
*pl0x go google it or direct translate to mando

We ended up going to wara wara :D

the food was okayish imo
I've tasted better udon than this :D

Speaking of restaurants, 
you've probably read some posts about my cake adventure.
but guess what
I've been on a mission to taste wonton in every restaurant/shop I go to (that's if they have them) and to rank them in the order of my liking.
I can't remember them exactly in order though :\
I believe I've tasted all wonton soups in sunnybank though ...
There's this shop in market square, that has really good wonton soup but I forgot the name of the shop dammit. The name has 上海 in it.... hmm


yoyo second last day of school
my sunglasses (+ 100 points for awesomeness) 


decided not to go to school since I know it'll be empty as fuuuuu
and I'll be alone in every class T____T
so I stayed home and planned to play lol.

didn't end up playing much
wasn't in the mood for it.
didn't follow ipl5 this morning for tpa's game :c
WHERE'S MY---- quadra  :\

30seconds into my first morning game,
troliver calls via skype
my OS: what? what is this wizardry? call from china? when i'm playing sona against blitz? 

anyway I alt tabbed for a while to see oliver's awesome camera holding skills
(jokes it was pretty good I could see fred waving at me)
Announcing that the china trip crew is all well and most likely had a good sleep.
the beds in that hotel looked pretty nice :L
they just woke up and troliver decided to go wake up mathias in the other room.
so I watched them try to open the door (it was locked)HHAHHAHA
I should of scr clipped but I was alt tabbing in and out since mf started raging at my frequent long 'afk's :c
troliver held his phone (i believe?) in mathias' face LOL it was pretty funny

if there were other funny stuff that happened while the vid call was on.... I MISSED IT :\


I was going to take a photo of this lazy wallaby lying on the grass WHILE eating grass.
What the heck, it's like lying on udon while eating udon
or like lying on cake while eating cake
Life is unfair

and by the time I opened my ipod, this little cheeky wallaby got up and started staring at me

cheeky wallaby in the center

couldn't agree more :\
dem missed ultis 

p.s. I've finally made some more friends on lol :'D
good support games wins you friends 
life lessons 101

making friends have never been so simple
damn my anti social personality wlkaejtwkalejtlkwae
^ lol I spammed my keys and typed my ign, except a and e is the other way around
^^ see thats how I made my ign for lol
legit just spammed my keys and made the name 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

因為愛情 - 父女版

the dad and daughter cover of 'because of love'

the little girl is 3 years old
omg her vocab/memory :D:D
so cute

posted due to demand

mid night gaming
started off terrible
since my carry - ashe was auto attacking (like me sometimes) the whole time and doing stupid things (like me again). She gave away first blood (like me last night), and I took the SECOND blood. 
started saying surrender at 20 around 12minutes into the game, 
thinking that we cant carry our carry..especially laning against zyra and draven T_T
damn i wish i had lol replay on >___>
the whole game was so epic, so many hot 6somes <3
and good team fights

not-the-worst-team na

surrender vote came up twice 
1st time: yes, no, no, no (me), yes
2nd time: yes, no, yes, no, n/a (me)
-secretly does the exact opposite of what I said-
actually thought we might win this and just ignored the vote and let it time out hurhur
then KSed 2 or 3 kills to get moar gold to buy ap items
sona snowballs from then, YES

shaco was pinging the entire map i swear
and retreat ping everywhere, ganking, baiting
jayce was just casually doing his thing, carrying LOL
ashe was just face checking everywhere and getting caught
karthus was being usual karthus but with less ultis
I was being the scumbag support taking cs and kills

push and cc to win :D

yeah was watching stream

holidays come to me :'D

Monday, November 26, 2012


one week of school left 
WIT and physics due on Monday,

I was kind of surprised that I was invited to this outing :'D
It was pretty fun getting owned by the waves and getting sunburn on the shoulders
(dat pain when carrying my bag T__T)

we saw a jellyfish on the sand (probably washed up) and scooped it up with a shell and buried it.
it looked like a calculator to me at first awks
-sees RIP-
guise 1 minute silence

troliver got stung by the jellyfish gg 

 this is a photo of me taking a photo for careb, doolan and troliver
and here's the photo that I took of careb, doolan and troliver

took most of the photos :D
with doolan's camera cause it's quite good actually

simple game turns awkward
carol's sexy hips man
people spooning each other ;D

self explanatory 

making carol a tail

^ we buried doolan and stuck chips in the sand to attract seagulls frantic birds 
 side note: careb's bod on the right

still cant be bothered to blog properly
I'll eventually come back to this post and edit it
so if you're interested in what happened on the day,
keep stalking this post
dw it wont be long before I update this :D

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ailee(에일리) _ I will show you(보여줄게) MV

the melody is phreaking stuck in my head DD:
nice storyline too wajtewlkjbelkabjwlkaj
turn on caption for translation huehue
dat ass

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


  1. Was your last real relationship a mistake? no
  2.  Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yes
  3.  Who did you last say “I love you” to? my grandma :D
  4.  Do you regret anything? yes
  5.  Do you have nicknames? If so, what are they? MAGIGIE, 妹
  6.  Are you a boy or girl? girl
  7. Are you insecure? somewhat
  8.  What is your relationship status? single pringle 
  9.  How do you want to die? in sleep
  10.  What did you last eat? fish
  11.  Played any sports? dance
  12.  Do you bite your nails? no
  13.  When was your last physical fight? I don't recall -presses b-
  14.  Do you have an attitude? when I'm moody, yes.
  15. What is your full name? Maggie Chen
  16. Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? yes
  17. Do you hate anyone at the moment? no
  18.  Do you miss someone? yes
  19. Have any pets? no
  20. Ever made out in the bathroom? no
  21. Are you scared of spiders? not really
  22.  Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? don't think so
  23.  Where was the last place you snogged someone? park
  24.  What are your plans for this weekend? homework and beach
  25.  Do you want to have kids? How many? yes, 2 maybe
  26.  Do you have piercings? How many? none
  27.  Want any more? yes soon
  28.  What is/are your best subject(s)? procrastinating business 
  29.  Do you miss anyone from your past? yes
  30.  What are you craving right now? kickarse grades
  31. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? i believe so...
  32. Have you ever been cheated on? no
  33.  Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? no
  34.  What should you be doing right now? studying
  35. What’s irritating you right now? not having kickarse grades
  36.  Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts? what is love
  37.  Does somebody love you? yes my family <3
  38.  What is your favourite color? orange?
  39.  Milk chocolate or white chocolate? wat. aren't they the same? soz I'm a candy person atm
  40.  Do you have trust issues? no
  41. Mom’s name? Joanna
  42.  Dad’s name? Joe 
  43. Who/what was your last dream about? I forget dreams when I start thinking about it
  44. Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? yes
  45. Who was the last person you cried in front of? myself
  46. Do you give out second chances too easily? no
  47. Is it easier to forgive or forget? to forget is much easier 
  48. Is this year the best year of your life? no
  49. Have you ever walked outside completely naked? outside as in, out of my room? then yes
  50. Favourite food? CAKKKKKEEEEE
  51.  Do you believe everything happens for a reason?  yes
  52. What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? turn on all my alarms 
  53. Are you afraid of the dark? depends
  54.  Is cheating ever okay? no and yes if they're both cheating
  55.  Are you mean? can be 
  56. How many people have you fist fought? heaps (runescape of course, dem unarmored duels) 
  57. Do you believe in true love? yeah, but how would you know it is?
  58.  Favourite weather? sunny, patches of clouds
  59. Do you like the snow? dont mind
  60. Does it snow a lot where you live? no
  61.  Do you like the outdoors? don't mind
  62. Are you currently bored? no
  63. Do you wanna get married? yes
  64. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? depends
  65. Are you hungry? no
  66.  What makes you happy? winning a game
  67. Would you change your name? no
  68. What’s your zodiac sign? aries
  69. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? yes
  70. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? so...wasssssup 
  71. Do you have alot of friends? how much is 'a lot'?
  72. Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? yes
  73. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yes
  74. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad
  75. Does it matter how your boyfriend/girlfriend looks? yes
  76.  Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? julie
  77. Do you believe in soulmates? yes
  78. Were anyone you would die for? yes
  79.  When is your birthday?  15th of April
  80.  Are you easily embarrassed? depends
  81.  Do you consider yourself a strong person emotionally no
  82. What’s your guilty pleasure? gaming when I'm not suppose to
  83. What’s your favorite drink? orange juice WITH PULPS 
  84. What’s something that’s bothering you right now? I shall keep that off the internet
  85. What are you currently addicted to? CAAAKKKEEEEE
  86. What are your turn ons?成熟穩重,大男人主義,懂得保護我(不准保護/過度關心別的女生D:<), 高(身材不要太瘦弱),主動  (soz it's easier to describe in mando :L)
  87. What are your turn offs? 受弱膽小,溫柔寡斷, 電玩打比我爛很多, 極度懶散/沒上進心,花心
  88. Ever had a terrible breakup? ...think so
  89. When was the last time you kissed someone? a while
  90. What were you last insulted by? MY DAD: "maggie should go on a diet" SCUSE ME JUST CAUSE I ALWAYS ASK FOR 2 PACKET OF POCKYS WHEN YOUS GO OUT SHOPPING >_>
  91. What are your fears? losing my senses and emotions
  92. Who would you punch in the face right now if you could? no thanks i only use my fist to the victory baby meme
  93. What piercings/tattoos do you have/want? ear piercing, maybe not tattoo, IMAGINE DAT STRETCHED, WRINKLY SKIN YOU GET WHEN YOU GROW OLD :O leggo temp paper tattoos
  94. Favorite book? dragon keeper series, Harry Potter and TWIL-NO
  95. What do you want to do before you die? if meaning 'die of old age'....then... cosplay, visit the pyramids, become rather wealthy,  ride a camel, have a family, be a cool mum, visit great barrier reef, volunteer at rspca, volunteer in animal conservation in africa (errmagurrd even cooler) and moar 
  96. Who do you want right now? you tell me -avoids question-
  97. Favorite band? band hmm? SISTAR :D (if kpop 'groups' count)
  98. What do you do when you’re angry? cuss
  99. What can you do that most of people can’t? be me
  100. Describe your last sexual experience: dont have
  101. Ever been in a physical fight? repeated question?
  102. Ever done drugs? no
  103. Describe your most reckless night oh my goodnet, okay. Was at a party, played kings cup, got served many shots. Looked after drunk people, watched people vomit, cleaned up after them.  Watched a few pass out, woke up from a 1-2hr 'sleep', saw people still up at 2am, joined in played more, got served more shots, watched people do bad things (not what you think). Revised maths at 5am, watched himym from 6am. . Don't believe me? i can even show you a photo that i took of a hot air balloon that was flying around the area that morning, at 4am. I watched the sunrise while eating rock melon. "life is terrible please let me go home and sleep" my thoughts that night. 
  104. Describe your perfect guy/girl?  btw humans are not perfect so this question is invalid to me but if you want me to stop being realistic then... refer to the 'turn on' question lol dont judge me :'c
  105. Currently listening to? the clock ticking 
  106. Ever hooked up with someone of the same sex? Would you? no and no
  107. When did you lose your virginity? haven't..
  108. When did you last have sex? ^see above.
  109. Ever sexted? no
  110. What does your URL mean? it's my nickname 
  111. What do you miss? being stress free