Monday, September 17, 2012


Heeeeeellllllooo ! :D
I forgot what I was going to blog about (damn)
so I guess I'll just bs today's blog post and hopefully find something interesting that happened throughout the day.

Starting off with TOK: did nothing except for shopping around on taobao 
and the rest of the day was terribad

sadest day of my c9ing life
I missed out 'yesterday's' daily stamp and fmlfmlfml have to start again to get 21 day bonus or whatever. NOOOOOOOOOO..only if i went on c9 3 hours earlier (which would be 6:00pm) then today would have been my 5th day MUDDAPARKING BULLCRAP IM DRY CRYING AGAIN SO HARD ;_____;
Pinky promise to myself that I will not miss another day.

Anyway here's a video about.....-sighs- just watch it 

if you really really really enjoyed the video and found this super attractive, 
feel free to bump up the views and if it gets to like 1 view, then i'll make it public

gotta admit it was pretty funny at the time
vid is a bit shaky but that's cause i was laughing so hard while filming it
then we watched the fred guy that mr p was talking about for the rest of the lesson 
Last week for the term yay
p.s. physicians are off to dreamworld tmr woopwoop 

knew it wasn't going to be a fun-based excursion.
knew it...