Wednesday, September 12, 2012

慢慢等-韋禮安 [HD]

gooood old songs :D

eesh screwed up maths today fml
I was planning to sleep til 3am and study a bit more,
but I ended up waking up at 5:30 or so T____T

Paper 1 was okayish but i left out a 5 mark question since i could not remember how to do it fml
the rest I either knew it, or had to guessimate the steps hahahah
Paper 2 was horrible LOL just sat there and were like, what have I done this term ==
but still managed to get statistic questions (a bit)

Maths this term is a bit shaky so I better keep studying for Dt and physics LOL
fml dt straight after physics
1 hours break between the exam omggm

Was like so stressed before going in for maths,
legit was like..
"Faaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr DDDD:"

[x]Business paper 1
[x]Business paper 2
[x]Maths paper 1
[x]Maths paper 2
[  ]Physics
[  ]DT paper 1
[  ]DT paper 2