Tuesday, September 11, 2012

mocks over

how i cram:
-does crunches while reciting the order for balance sheet, profit and loss and cash flow-

mind me that it gets extremely hard to scream out the next order down the list while your muscles are like uber sore and tired. whaddheckhahahah you get so stressed because you want to get over and done with but then your muscles are like 'omg im so sore you should stop moving' but your mind is like, 'no i must finish reciting it then i can stop'. It's like a mental and physical battle -judgmental stare-

weekend's treat for studying nothing 

Our school was getting a bit fancy today,
but this person should learn how to spell.
like seriously, what the fckery is he/she trying to say -facepalm-

this one was on the pathway leading to the oval, kinda.
i think it might of meant 'dearest' but the person probs got caught or had to take a poo in the creek no idea LOL

^ above image stolen off like us yo 

can someone please tell me what it's trying to say?
all i got was..
A place to leard. A place to ? to studing, youg lifes?? by the greed of the old. be but save! your sool!
wtf.it was on the lecture theatre wall 

today's paper 2 business exam was alright,
i know i lost 5 marks straight up for one question fml
they didn't give interest and tax for balance sheet so i was like dafuq T__T
and just left some columns blank and hope for the part marks i can get.
Overall, I wrote about 13 full pages of crap LOL
and finished the exam omgg yay

more worried about maths and physics and DT
i should of listened in class 
but i guess ib is like,
generally you can self study your way through to the finals.
since all the syllabus is given and you just study off ib textbooks etcetc


huehue selfies weeew
the temp was like uber high today so i pulled out my tank shirt
the black and white symbolises my mood at the moment and sets a moody atmosphere, 
studying crammingis a pain in the arse :c
oh hey yo my derp face hurhur

[x]Business paper 1
[x]Business paper 2
[  ]Maths paper 1
[  ]Maths paper 2
[  ]Physics
[  ]DT paper 1
[  ]DT paper 2