Thursday, September 6, 2012

DRY. ice.

yo sup all woot
gradual increase in the number of bloggers : o 
oh dang

I'm thinking maybe I should start posting some the shit notes I've taken in class 
since qa is a friendly place LOL no shame share notes it's not OP bahahah
(apologies for my messy writing)

Mr A went through 4 unit crash course within 20 mins and it was purely amazing.
People in my business class would have this already lol.

welll yeees those are the four topics

omgomg was so excited seeing dried ice

Bianca's face was like uber blurred looooool

fred and dry ice

everyone feeling the SENSATION from the dry ice thing ;D

le me trying to ruin my laptop and go card 
i joke
omg it was so fun HAHHAHA

Bianca photoboming tsk tsk

took like 50+ photos of this and that
not pro like Bianca though -> 60+ photos
whaddheck weird physics students
