Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exams are all over!
-jumps around-
I missed c9 :c
still waiting for it to patch now

on a quest to find a new mmo to play LOL
(f2p of course since I'm a stingy gamer, unless if the game looks worthy to played using $$)
So I checked out some on youtube
damn they're all estimated to be released next year 2013
Doubt I'll have the time to play next year, I actually will have to try hard and study everyday to get decent grades. Melissa set her self this goal thing that she can't read manga until she graduates. LIKE, omg since she always reads mangas and has this obsession towards it. Maybe starting next year, I'll quit gaming of any sort? This might be a year of lameness and depression but I don't know, maybe it's worth a shot :L

hahahha -dry laugh-
why are all the epic looking games planning to be released next year? When I'll be stressing and crying over the amount of work and expectations. hurhur just a thought.

also confirmed the date to go back to taiwan for december vacation woot :D

[x]Business paper 1
[x]Business paper 2
[x]Maths paper 1
[x]Maths paper 2
[x]DT paper 1
[x]DT paper 2

physics was alright ...I guess 
better than last term defs
DT was just insane, paper 1 was 19 pages (1 sided lol)
paper 2 was pretty thick too :L
but most people came out about 1 hour earlier :L
to dt kids: i swear we did not learn about LVL ==