Saturday, September 8, 2012


blocks next week and im fuuuuuuuked T___T
mocks toooo omggm
must intense cram study whatever

Thou shalt not be late to HL Maths

hahaha karma to Mr O since he made students in his class do that same for different things like
- forgetting to write names on diagnostics
and some other crap i forgot about

on Friday night, I tagged along to 新橋 for dinner LOL
cbf doing legit post so just gonna post photos hehe

le cousin trying to look gangster with his hair like that
LOL what a potential pimp

he was telling me how this girl called alana comes up to him and tells him that she is going to marry him.
young loooovve 
soo bold 

Today, we went to Jupiters to have lunch
we went to this asian restaurant

okay cbf blogging so sorry
need to study now 

jokes. watching a 1:35:04 documentary on wolves. 
wolfpack is awesome
except for the fact that they eat in the order of ranks
good to be alpha hahhahah