Friday, November 8, 2013

5 down, 7 to go

MitiS makes the best beats for studying mannnngg

Finished IB SL English and HL Physics! 
I don't even want to look back hahahah What's done is done, but there are more to be done so I'll need to work hard on that. I'm actually drained out. My eyes are half open and I've been sitting in the manliest sitting position for quite a while. Mindlessly scrolling through tumblr, facebook and reddit. Oh and alt tabbing back to maths every now and then. 
If you want to know how I feel right now, let me tell you, it's sheer satisfaction. No not satisfaction with how I went for the exams, but the fact that I only have 3 subjects left. Logic please. I just want to get it over and done with.... after I've studied for it. 

SL English P1
To be honest I didn't even read the whole prose. I just skimmed it till the small dialogue 3/4 down the first page and went straight to the poem. I've actually never written a commentary response to a prose before. In my whole IB English journey, I've only written 6 full commentaries in total, including term 2, mock and final exam. I'm actually such a slacker I won't deny. 

"maybe I should do a practise paper today"

I thought IB was pretty nice to us. The poem wasn't too bad (no war context hell yeah). Hahaha I don't like poems like the one about elements and sinking into the river etc. Far too deep mate. So many things could go wrong with a poem like that.  I thought the poem this round was straight forward but I'm not really proud of what I've written.

SL English P2
I was expecting to get butteffed in paper 2 but it didn't turn out to be that bad, "it" being "butteffed". I chose question 1 which was about the playwright's use of props to enhance the effectiveness of the play. I thought the question was broad so I chose this. Nah jokes I wasn't too sure about dramatic irony in the second question and I had no information stored in my head that had a slim relation to question 3. 

Me when I read the first question
"I'm ready to slay this bitch"

I actually walked in the exam betting that there'd be a question on props/food/motif. My 6 quotes would cover any of the 3 so that all worked out. Regardless, I rushed and had heaps of mind blank moments. So I'd just look up all of a sudden and internally whisper "what the fuk". fyi I can't think with my head down so I always lift my head and look around or stare at something in the distant. As a result, I had to quickly rush my conclusion so it was poop and completely disintegrated from the rest of the essay. 

HL Physics P1/P2/P3


Yep so that pretty much summarised what I thought about the exams I've done this week. Bring on maths and mando next week! I've been feeling so drowsy recently it's insane, I kid you not.

For all you bilingual (or multilingual) people out there... Do you get this frustration from trying to remember the word for something that you know in the other language but not the one that the person you're speaking with..knows.

me when I can't remember the word in that language

I haven't spoken proper/semiformal mando for a while (I speak every day simple mando at home), the only time I actually use this language formally is
- when I'm ranting in mando to victoria, or in
- hl mando assessments (I tried)

So Since I haven't actually ranted to her OR had oral assessments in a while... my level of frustration today went through the roof. I had to explain this philosophy to my grandparents and family friend and it made me question my sanity. It sucks even worse when I have to go from Taiwanese to English. The gap is simply too large. As much as I hate to admit, I actually have to translate Taiwanese to Mando, then finally to English. #inefficient #iknow

I had to stop and ask the family friend for what the word is in Mandarin (but she doesn't know either), which grandparents were actually only getting 80% of what I'm saying. Well, what goes around comes around. They had to speak mando to me back then, when they primarily spoke Taiwanese. I'm kind of picking up Hakka ..slowly... because stepmum and her family speaks Hakka. It sounds different but you can kind of work it out after a while.

Bilingual/multilingual problems