Saturday, November 23, 2013


Sorry for the lack of posts! I keep thinking that I blogged the night before or something but nope the last post was Sunday... and that's considered a while back as you all know that I'm an intense blogger. 

I finished all my IB exams on Tuesday morning and it was the best way to round off the program because design tech options was just SO GOOD, I was really happy with it. Yay! Though I changed my options a week before the exam date, it was still DOable and fun (it's about food!). DT paper 1 and 2 was really hard in comparison with the papers I've done in the past :\ I'm just not sure what I've wrote is enough to hit the exact wording in the markscheme..

I can upload the word file and link it here if any gr 11 dt kids want my notes (to each syllabus point) for Option A Food science and technology. I gave my printed copy to Juno already and it has mando translation, teachers note highlighted, answers from past exam markscheme to syllabus points hand written.

Golly gosh I wish I did this for all my other subjects. It makes things way easier. Normally I give up half way and just delete the whole file hahahah but this time I sat on my arse for 2 days googling, thinking and typing it all out. Half of the option was pretty much biology, so Victoria helped me last minute revise. THANKS VICTORIA!!

After exams, we decided to go get froyo and play cards at Hazel. Then Julie wanted to go to fun house so we went along with her. Guess what I did. bball machine. I want to actually beat my record ffs last time I wasted 2 dollars making sure I was still at the same level as before, this time I wanted to score higher etc.

Two more shots and I'll get to 250 (last stage) but I'm still happy for my improvement :'D
For the night, I made myself some creamy bacon and mushroom fettuccine and it was delicious! I've never had these at home, mostly because we don't really have time to make things like this or even think to have these kind of foods for dinner. Yeah we have those typical asian dishes and they take a few minutes to cook. Much faster in comparison to... boil water, cook pasta, cook bacon, add cream, add egg yolk blablablabla. SINCE high schooling life was over, that meant that I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want.

Wednesday - CELEBRATION!
We were originally planning to go to Wet n Wild but some spiritual being forbid us to so we decided to go Newway Kareoke! Julie and Vic went to school to get the forms signed off so we agreed to meet outside the place at 12:30. The thing was, Julie told Vic 12:30 but Vic told me I got off the bus (that I've never been on before omg) at 11pm and walked to my neighbour's store and sat there for almost an hour or so... just mingling human beings no biggie.

We finally met up at 12:30, went in and quickly ordered our food. I left the room to order the food and Vic went to the toilet, that leaves Julie alone and she picked 72432305932 Jay Chou's songs urghhghghg really. In response to that, I picked 928395820382853 A-Lin's songs huehuehue

Lunch: Beef and capsicum curry with Lemon Sprite 

It was pretty fun, considering this might be the last time that we'd be doing this. Great memory guise, great memory. After kareoke, we took the bus and hfor d off to city to meet with the group for dinners.

Julie and I ended up going to Bonsai Botandka for dinner. We didn't want to have baffet because we weren't that hungry. On our way walking back to city. I derped out and almost tripped in front of a bar. Sick moves maggie. My ankles are the weakest shit ever! Far out DAH y u no strengthen.
 There weren't that many people there at dinner time. Suppose everyone's out drinking or on the couch watching television. We ordered ramen and shared it. Julie ate most of it because my tummy just filled itself after a few mouths of ramen.
It tasted pretty good. It was different to ramens from other typical japanese restaurants. I've had a lot of ramens so take my "advice" hahahahah

Thursday - GRADUATION!!
I don't even know how to wear this gown like seriously what the heck am I doing. help.

Went to school in the morning for an hour or so, then went back home after subway for brunch. When I got home, I literally just rolled into my bed and went for a 1.5 hour nap and rolled out of the bed at 2:20 and left the house in 2 minutes. Such exhaustion, very wow.

Whoever said sleep is for the weak is definitely not coming on my ark when the flood comes. I would even take mosquitoes over you. Jokes aside, I needed my sleep. 

Almost perfectly timed photo. Nice pose fred. hahhahaha

Thank you all so much for making high school something worthy to reminiscent on. I'll look back and not cringe at any of this (for once)! Okay maybe this photo will make me cringe in years time but whatevs it depicts the amount of care and seriousness I have for life. 

How could I forget to take a selfie at this time. I app mum this photo and she was like, "when I zoom in, why can I only see your chin?" Mind you, I was app mum the whole time when I was on my phone kkk not some random. She missed out on a lot of things and really wanted to be involved so I decided to share this moment with her! 

No tears were shed. Vic and Julie thought I cried because my eyes were red but no my eyes were tired and irritated from watching the videos and staying attentive to speeches. 

A few weeks back, we planned and booked a table at Alchemy to celebrate graduation. We weren't sure if we would be able to hang out in the near future so we chose a restaurant with good view and so on. The waitress was really cheerful and we had a few laughs. 

We didn't take photos of the nitrogen thing :( They "cooked" some flavoured cream in nitrogen for us. I never thought physics would haunt me right after I graduate. The "chef" asked us if we had any idea of what nitrogen does and I was like, "I think I know where this is going". We've seen so many demonstrations by Mr Baker, smashed so many flowers, dropped so many fruits, inflated so many balloons... that I actually remember what this "gas" does. Julie and Victoria both breathed out two trails of cold white looking things from their nose hahahahah omg it was hilarious I should of caught that on camera. Good times, good times.

I look very excited don't I ;)
LOL I was actually really hungry, hence the awkward facial expression. 

After dinner, we walked from Alchemy at Eagle street to city. I nearly tripped 5 times on my way there no joke. The heel was thin as and base was small so it was hard to walk on the retarded brick-like floor. Note to self, never wear non wedge heels to Eagle Street because that will be torture. IT WAS. That's okay, I won't ever see these people again >____> 
me: omg
-looks around-
-dies internally-
I ended up holding onto Julie for most of the time. This couple was walking behind us and said something along the lines of people torturing themselves for fashion. HECK YES I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. I'd take flip flops all day errday over heels but that won't look good at a restaurant like Alchemy :( Just as they finished saying that sentence, I stumbled. Then they asked me if I was alright and I was like " HAHAHHA Q___Q YES" Weak ankles, thin heels, high base OP. 

We went to pool afterwards. I didn't play though. Knowing my gifted skills in throwing a tennis ball, I knew I was destined to do something like throwing a grenade or something. Anyway, I knew I was going to derp out and sink the white ball so I just watched Julie and Vic play. Alice came along afterwards and we bussed home together.

Thank you Alice for taking 1029821 photos for us!

I can feel more celebrations to come. Thank you Vic and Julie for a memorable night!
You retards are the best xoxooxxo 
- says the one that tripped over 5 times that night

We spent over an hour sending and and choosing photos omg so much work hahahhaha