Sunday, November 3, 2013


-gives the shiftiest eyes-

I started writing a HL eng paper 1 this morning but I just ended up spacing out every 5 minutes. Please tell me that's only because I'm writing a HL paper. Has anyone tried the 2005 HL paper 1 poem - "Astronauts"? I'm curious to know if I've misinterpreted this poem or not. I'M UP FOR AN INTENSE DISCUSSION ON THIS HAAHAHA 

Day before an english exam, 
learns the entire spectrum of human emotions and the vocabulary to actually describe it.
Furiously googles the combination of phrases with the potential 
to enhance the delivery and presentation of a pathetic argument.

As for the cold, it's slowly dying down but my head is still in a blurry state, where I actually can't think for long and things don't connect together. Oh and also, allergic conjunctivitis came back last night. 

Stocked up them Zaditen eye drops this morning. 
fite mi irl
I'm actually physically sooo not prepared for IB exams
^excuses that is
I think I talk to myself way too much
what do you say, life of an only child in the house
yes party any time