Wednesday, November 13, 2013

9 down 3 to go

SL Maths and HL Mando, done and dusted!
This is so surreal. I kind of miss IB already hahahaha and I'm not even done with it yet. Tbh I enjoyed the learning process, now I look back and wished that I'd actually wake up and get things done to the best of my ability. I've crammed way too many things the night before. Maybe I should do a recollection of moments all of my subjects over the last 3 years in another post. Surprisingly, I do remember how torturing grade 10 was, it was probably worse than grade 11 in my opinion. 

SL Maths P2
Every last question in part B made me cringe. I think this paper will cost me a lot of marks which I am obviously not too happy about but what more can I do with it hahahah 

HL Mando P1/P2
Paper 1 wasn't as hard as the past papers we've done, and we've done heaps of past papers..about...this much, which was basically all of the past papers. 
So now you can see how the difficulty of nov 13 p1 scales with the rest of the papers in the past year. I spent a good 20 minute checking my work and another 20 minutes at the end just copying words from the text to practice for paper 2. I can't write mando to save my life :( I don't know how to write heaps of characters so the 20 minutes in-exam cram was really helpful. 

Paper 2 was a nightmare. Can you see the trend? It's happening for most subjects :( Most people chose the same question so I'm hoping that the examiner won't get sick of reading the same thing by the time they get to mine. Not to mention, we'd probably get compared with each other and omg I'm not the best writer in the class fml. Part B was even worse because they literally only gave us a quote and we have to base our writing off that. We only ever did 1 paper 2 that had that kind of question thrown at us, they generally give us a stimulus to bs from but no not this time. Worst thing, the quote was about friends. Really IB? REALLY. 

me after rereading my part b writing
yes what I wrote was complete bullshit and it was corny and ealfksjdlfkasj urrrghhhh 

It's non of your beezwax IB, you don't need to know what friendship is to me. It's still a very foreign concept which I'm still trying to grasp hold of. What I thought was friendship, wasn't actually what I thought it would be or what it was. Why do people put such a heavy word onto a simple relationship or connection between people? What is the exact point of it? Every thing would still be the same without that definition. I don't really know anymore. See this is what happens when I think deep. I'll just confuse myself and nothing will make sense hahahaha 

I even wrote an analogy for how friendship works. Guise I know this is a sensitive topic but just get over it, things complicate when people want you to actually think about it. IB wanted me to think about it so here I am, writing out my skewed deep thoughts about friendship. 

So I wrote that friendship is basically like having to hold a bomb that is going to set off at any random time. Both you and your friend take in a bomb from each other and one wrong move, the bomb explodes and it's game over. The fact that someone is willing to take your bomb, and give you theirs in return, is a magical moment where unicorns dressed in tutus gallop through the arch of the rainbow and into the sunset. Everyone's bombs hold different components, some explode ugly, some probably doesn't even hurt you when it explodes. It all really depends on what type of person the "friend" is. Some bombs are light, some are heavy. Some you can hold onto for a long time, some you'd just drop and let it explode. You can be tough and take a lot of bombs at a time because you're confident in handling a lot of them. Conversely, some of you may prefer just holding a few because you're afraid that the rest of the bombs will set off when one explodes. Either way, there are both pros and cons for whatever decision you've made, but it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, you choose what fits you best, and that would defy all the cons. 

People had heaps of idioms and made their essay really professional 
and I'm sitting here like,
"friendship are like bombs"

The whirlpool of thoughts
too dangerous